Thursday, March 27, 2025

Pastor’s Place: The marks of a disciple

By Donald Schmidt, Senior Pastor, Lakeland Baptist Church

In the 1987 romantic comedy, “The Princess Bride,” the villain, Vizzini, keeps repeating the word “inconceivable.” One of the main characters, Inigo Montoya, says to Vizzini, “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”

Similarly, many Christians use the word “disciple” quite often, but they don’t seem to know what it means biblically. Jesus helps us understand what a disciple is in Mark 1:17. He says, “Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.”

First, a disciple is someone who knows Jesus personally. The command, “Follow Me,” envisions a person entering into a personal, saving relationship with Jesus by repenting of his sins and believing the gospel (Mark 1:15). A disciple, then, is a follower of Jesus, someone who embraces Jesus as Savior and Lord, aligns his life with Him and His teachings, and commits to follow Him wherever He leads.

Second, a disciple is someone who grows in Jesus continually. When a person follows Him, Jesus tells us something amazing will happen. He says, “and I will make you become…” Becoming a disciple of Jesus results in life transformation or spiritual growth. When one follows Jesus, God begins a gradual and continual work of setting him free from sin to become more and more Christlike in his character and conduct. Put simply, believing in Jesus results in a person becoming like Jesus.

Third, a disciple is someone who goes with Jesus missionally. Jesus’ words, “fishers of men,” reveal that His disciples bear a divine assignment. Just as fishermen attempt to gather fish from the sea, Jesus tasks His followers to gather people for Him. By means of evangelism and discipleship a disciple labors to bring people to Christ and build them up in Christ.

Based on Jesus’ teaching, a disciple is more than someone who merely attends church, respects the Bible, or tries to live a moral life. True disciples of Jesus are saved (i.e., they know Him personally), they are sanctified (i.e., they grow in Him continually), and they are sent (i.e., they go with Him missionally).


The Pastor’s Place features columns written by a different area church leader each month. Call 940-728-8284 for more information.

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