In anticipation of the district’s fourth elementary school opening in August 2024, the Argyle ISD Board of Trustees this week approved the future school’s new name and the new elementary school zoning map.
The new school, currently under construction at 6601 Cleveland Gibbs Road in the Harvest community, was named Jane Ruestmann Elementary after a Hilltop Elementary art teacher of more than 30 years. The district’s demographers, Zonda Education, developed a new recommended zoning map to balance enrollment numbers for when the district grows from three to four elementary schools, while also considering the impact of future enrollment growth.

The new map has minor changes for the Hilltop and South elementary school zones, and it reduces the size of West Elementary’s zone.
The board approved options to grandfather two sections of the new Ruestmann Elementary zone to allow those children to continue attending their current schools, if they choose. One section includes a portion of homes east of I-35W and north of Old Justin Road, where students would be allowed to select a one-time grandfather to remain at Hilltop Elementary. The second section includes homes directly across the street from West Elementary, which includes the area east of Sunflower, south of 16th Street, and west of Harvest Way, where students would be allowed to select a one-time grandfather option to remain at West Elementary. In both sections, a student who chooses to be grandfathered at their current school will stay at that school for the duration of their elementary grades, until the next elementary rezoning or the family moves from that home.
Following the winter break, families residing within the designated grandfathered areas will receive a detailed message containing instructions on how to make their choice regarding zoning preferences. This communication will guide families through the process and outline the necessary steps to ensure a smooth transition for students within the revised attendance boundaries.