Thursday, March 20, 2025

Weir: Shawn Nelson running for Highland Village City Council

Except for a few runoffs, the primary season is over. Now begins the local elections in several Denton County towns and cities. One of them is the Highland Village City Council elections. Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Barbara Fleming, Place 4, is running for Mayor. Therefore, her seat is open. Those running for her Place 4 seat are, Kevin Cox, Ray David and Shawn Nelson. Shawn Nelson came over for an interview to tell voters about himself and why he’s running for City Council.

The following is a short bio sent by Mr. Nelson:

“My name is Shawn Nelson, and I am running for Highland Village City Council Place 4. I can still vividly remember the hot July day in 1988 when my mother and I moved to this area not far from Marcus High School. Highland Village and Flower Mound were a lot different back then with ranches, farms, dirt roads, and horses being ridden down the middle of Morris Rd. While the ranches have been traded for outdoor malls and the farms for master planned subdivisions, Highland Village’s sense of family, friendly residents, and “small town feel” still exists. Our explosive growth over the past 34 years since I moved down here from Kansas is testament to what a great, family-oriented city Highland Village has become, and the result of hard work from current and past city officials.

“I graduated from Marcus High School in 1990 (third graduating class). I then went on to earn a Bachelor of Science from the University of North Texas in the field of Computer Information Systems. Over the past 25 years I have remained in the technology field, most recently as a Management Consultant with a global consultancy firm, focusing on Business and Applied Intelligence Strategy. I have been married to my lovely wife Brooklyn for nearly 22 years and have a 17-year-old son who is a junior at Marcus and just received his Private Pilot’s License.

“My roots are grounded in Highland Village. My goal is simple – keep Highland Village the Highland Village we all know and love. The same Highland Village where I grew up, where my son grew up, and God willing, where his children will grow up. I am not a politician; I am a citizen. A citizen that cares deeply for Highland Village, my neighbors, and our residents. My agenda is our resident’s agenda. Yes, we have growing pains and issues, and we will continue to have growing pains and issues, but these are not one person’s to resolve, rather something to be addressed by the collective of our great city as a whole. My goal is to ensure that all residents have a voice, that we all work together for the greater good of Highland Village and ensure our city remains a place where we want to raise our families for generations to come.”

Bob Weir
Bob Weir
Bob Weir is a former NYPD officer, long-time Flower Mound resident and former local newspaper editor.

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