Thursday, March 20, 2025

Crawford Road detour is about to get even more disruptive

If Country Lakes residents thought the Crawford Road detour was inconvenient already, well, things are about to get worse.

Since construction began in early March, residents of the Country Lakes and Carnegie Ridge subdivisions — who must use Crawford Road to get in and out of their neighborhoods — have been able to turn left from Country Lakes Boulevard to go east on Crawford, saving them from having to take a long detour down C Taylor Road to Old Justin Road. But that east exit is being eliminated Wednesday, the town announced Monday.

Due to a cement shortage, the contractor has modified its construction schedule for Crawford Road. Construction companies are limited to two cement trucks a day, while this entire project requires about 20 trucks to complete, according to the town. Because of this, the contractor is changing plans that will affect the detour.

Starting 9 a.m. Wednesday, only westbound traffic will be allowed from Hwy 377 to C Taylor Road for an estimated two months. The contractor, Jagoe, will begin milling the eastbound lanes, and it should take crews about a month to complete the eastbound lanes. They’ll then begin work on the westbound lanes, and traffic will continue to be limited to westbound only (utilizing the new eastbound lanes). That part of the project is also expected to take about a month and be completed around the end of July, depending on the availability of cement. It is not known yet what, if any, traffic pattern changes will be made after that.

So for at least the next two months, drivers who want to go east will have to head west on Crawford and then take C Taylor to Old Justin to Hwy 377, or take I-35W either north to FM 2449 or south to FM 407. Left turns are not allowed from Old Justin Road onto Hwy 377. There are several signs saying that drivers cannot turn left, and it’s right in front of the Argyle Police Station, where police watch for and pull over violators.

A town spokesperson said that the entire project is still expected to be complete by late September or early October.

Mark Smith
Mark Smith
Mark Smith served as Digital Editor of The Cross Timbers Gazette from 2017 to 2025.

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