Friday, March 28, 2025

Around Argyle — November 2019

Argyle Mayor Donald Moser

As we welcome in November, the Holiday season is rapidly approaching. I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and hope all will have safe travels. If you plan on being out of town remember there are several tips to make your home safer while you are away.

#1: Contact the post office and place a hold on your mail, or if you have a neighbor pick up your mail and packages. #2: Contact the Police Department and request a close patrol on your home while you’re away. This can be done either by phone or through their website. #3: Search the internet for any other tips that will help you return to your home just the way you left it.

Argyle ISD broke ground on Phase II of the new Argyle High School in Canyon Falls on Oct. 15. The high school will occupy the current Argyle Middle School campus and is scheduled to open in August 2021. (Photo by Pamela Arrington)

During the October 22nd meeting the Council and P&Z Commission met in a joint workshop to further discuss “Project Alpha,” better known as the proposed hospital project on 407 near the intersection of I-35W. This would be one of the largest projects our town has seen. Even though the developer stated this project would start out slowly, it could potentially be one of the largest medical complexes in the area. This would not only require the full consideration of the council and staff, but I am also asking for input from the community. This is a huge decision that we all need to make.

Also, during this meeting, we said goodbye to Place 1 Councilman Alex Vukasin. It was a sad occasion for all to see him resign. He will be missed by all for his wit and his unique perspective. We wish him well and will all miss him.

It was at the same meeting the council voted to appoint Bryan Livingston to Place 1. Bryan and his wife Barbara have been Argyle residents since 2012. They were attracted by Argyle schools. Barbara and Bryan were active band and tennis parents until their twin daughters graduated. They are grateful for the many gifts their family have enjoyed as members of the Argyle community.

Bryan grew up in Fort Worth and graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1978. Serving in the submarine force, he retired from the U.S. Naval Reserve in 1996. Barbara and Bryan lived in the Washington DC area for several years before returning to Texas to raise their kids. Bryan has been an active community leader since the 1990s, serving as board member and president of a Fort Worth neighborhood association and a Fort Worth parochial school. We welcome Bryan onto the council and are assured he will be a strong asset for the community.

Our search for a new Police Chief Continues to the next phase. We hope to announce the new Chief by December.

Tree Lighting Event Dec. 7

Plan to attend the “old fashioned” themed small town Christmas tree lighting, back at its long ago location at the First Baptist Church Argyle, 414 Hwy 377 N.

Holiday spirit will fill the town on Saturday, Dec. 7 from 4 to 6 p.m. as the beautifully lit tree illuminates “our” main street, Hwy 377.

Families and friends will enjoy Christmas themed local entertainment, plenty of hot cider, cocoa, cookies and a variety of old time fun activities for children and adults. Those raised in Argyle will enjoy the return of enduring town traditions!

The event will culminate with the arrival of Santa and a carol sing-along around the lit tree. Questions? Email

-Submitted by Kathy Salisbury

Argyle Seniors Update

The seniors will be having their Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon on Friday, Nov. 15 at 12 p.m.

The Argyle Police Department will furnish the turkey, dressing and ham. All attendees are asked to bring a dish to share or donate $5.

We’ll share next month about our Wiener Roast and Hayride.

Our thanks again to all who help us decorate and clean up. Also to Donna and Paul Lumpkins for going after the meat. Great job guys!! Our new kitchen help is doing a super job, too. Thanks Gale for all you do!

The seniors meet on Monday, Wednesday and Friday to exercise and play the card game Hand & Foot at 10 a.m. We would love to have you join us. It’s free and we have lots of fun. We have some who would like to get a team to play 42.

For more information, contact Stella McDaniel at 940-464-7438 or Karen Kiel at 940-464-0506.

Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!

-Submitted by Stella McDaniel

CTG Staff
CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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