Friday, March 14, 2025

Dixon: Campaign season calls for courtesy and communication

Steve Dixon

Friends and Neighbors,

It’s once again election time in Flower Mound and we all know what that means. Campaign signs, mailers and candidate observations followed by social media posts and comments. As long as the social media back and forth is civil, it can be educational and helpful. Over the years my consistent recommendation on social media to residents who have questions about our town is to call or email the appropriate town department. We have a knowledgeable and dedicated town staff that can provide accurate and unbiased information. I’m not suggesting you not contact candidates during election season, I just think it’s important to ensure residents get their questions answered.

In 1983 I moved to Denton County and my first visit to Flower Mound was 1985. Back then, Flower Mound looked more like where I grew up – rural Parker County (Weatherford, TX) than the vibrant Flower Mound of today. It’s very important to me that when someone wants to develop in our town they take our high standards and incorporate something special into their overall plan. I smile when I hear current members of Town Council say “Flower Mound it up” (which means – make it nicer, better and prettier) as a way to get a better developmental project result. This reference can mean many things; more masonry, more architectural features, more open space or trees, larger setbacks, wider lot spacing, etc. Flower Mound needs to keep the bar high.

Flower Mound has many apartments that have been approved but not completed. Cities and Town’s can’t “zone-out” (prohibit) apartments but Town Council can change our ordinances to require a Super Majority vote by town council (4 or 5 votes) to approve any development that includes apartments. We need to be extra cautious on future development applications that include apartments, so I will encourage council to make the appropriate change to enact the super-majority requirement.

Over the past few days I have read discussions on several topics:

Town Finances – Flower Mound has taken advantage of historically low interest rates and restructured much of our debt to save money. Rating companies continue to reaffirm the town’s strong financial condition and the town needs to continue to use our strong financial condition and high rating to increase our infrastructure rehabilitation to increase our residents quality of life. (

Town Pension Obligations – Town employee’s retirement is managed by The Texas Municipal Retirement System (TMRS) which administers the retirement program for hundreds of Texas cities. Flower Mound contributes to TMRS and meets our obligation each year so our town and town employees are safe.

Public Safety – We have highly trained and exceptional first responders in Flower Mound. A direct result of these professionals is the numerous recognitions for community safety and security.

Regional Cooperation – Flower Mound enjoys an amazing relationship with our neighboring cities and full support of our Denton County Commissioners and Commissioners Court.

Renewable Energy and Efficiency – Flower Mound continues to encourage LEED certified construction and has led by example.

Public Schools in Flower Mound – Our town is served by five school districts who educate our children. Each of these five school districts has their own governing body and these elected trustees have the responsibility to make decisions independently. After all they are Independent School Districts.

There will be many opportunities for these and other topics to be discussed before Election Day. See you on the campaign trail.

Steve Dixon
Candidate for Mayor of Flower Mound
Flower Mound, TX

CTG Staff
CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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