How many current residents have been in Flower Mound since 1975? That’s when the Women of Flower Mound (WOFM) was founded as a philanthropic, 501c3 organization, raising funds to be donated to local students for scholarships. About six months earlier, the Summit Club, a male counterpart to the WOFM, was founded with similar objectives. Here we are 40 years later and both groups continue to serve the community.
Jamie Augenstein, the current President of WOFM, sat for a recent interview to provide some history of the group and talk about upcoming events. Incidentally, women from the surrounding areas are also welcome in the group. “We welcome women from Highland Village, Double Oak, Copper Canyon, Lantana, and any other nearby towns and cities,” Jamie said. Meetings are held the second Tuesday evening of each month (except for June and July) at 6:30 p.m. at Bridlewood Country Club.
“The primary goal is to raise money for graduating seniors in the FM area. We have several activities that help raise funds. Among them, the exciting and entertaining Spring Fashion Show, the Easter Sunrise Service on the Mound, Independence Day festivities, Santa Cops event, wine-tastings and other community-oriented services,” she added. The annual membership fee to become part of this extraordinary group is $35!
By the way, on December 4, the WOFM will be having their “Home for the Holidays Christmas Tour of Homes.” It will include a holiday luncheon and Christmas décor themed silent auction. This year there will be four beautifully decorated homes to tour in Flower Mound. Registration begins at 9 a.m. at Bridlewood Golf Club House, 4000 Windsor Drive in FM. That’s where participants can check in and receive their tour map. From 10 a.m. to 12 noon, the decorated homes will be open for the tour, after which the group will return to the golf club for a delectable lunch and a silent auction. Tickets may be purchased for $38 each. Reserved tables of 8 are available for $350, and drink tickets are also available for purchase at the luncheon.
Jamie Augenstein is one of the reasons why Annette and I enjoy doing these interviews. We get to meet so many amazing people who are willing to put their efforts into improving the lives of those around them, and, if karma has any influence, their own lives will be improved as well. Whether it’s someone running for political office, heading up a charitable organization, promoting the businesses in the area, or providing important information to others in their local orbit, these are the folks who add so much to the living conditions enjoyed by all of us.
If you spend five minutes around Jamie you will have already improved your outlook on life. Her contagious smile and radiant personality brings joy to any conversation. We had a lot of laughs doing this video, causing a couple of stumbles with the dialogue. Yet, we both agreed to leave them in because it’s more casual and less scripted that way. You can learn more at:
Bob Weir is a long-time Flower Mound resident and former local newspaper editor.