We are past the holidays, the New Year’s resolutions are either in place or are history and hopefully, we are done with hunkering down through cold weather. Time to get out and get social. We have almost as many opportunities at Robson Ranch to get social as we do to get physically fit! We need both on the Ranch. The common complaint is that it is impossible to lose weight here because we are always eating and drinking. Taking the viewpoint that someone has to do it, we are lucky to have many opportunities to mix and mingle.
The Singles Club’s actually has a bi-weekly Mix & Mingle Happy Hours at the Grill restaurant. Other activities accommodate a very diverse membership! Activities include a monthly Game Night at the clubhouse, monthly BYOB parties at members’ houses, and day trips to sporting events, museums, and local entertainment venues. And the Singles Club hosts several fun and festive dinner/dance parties in the Robson ballroom each year. There is something for everyone: Wine Tasting, Cooking, Golf Scramble, Men’s Poker, Dining Out, Potluck Dinners, Gourmet Dining, and Ladies Breakfast.
The Baby Boomers (you know who you are) meet on the first and third Fridays of each month at the Grill starting around 5 p.m. Boomers seem to celebrate each season; think spring flings, St. Paddy’s day and Halloween parties, annual patio parties and holiday progressive dinners. No dues, no sign up, no speakers, just grab a beverage or a meal and meet some new friends! The Gen-X group, at the other end of our Robson demographic, meets monthly at homes or the Grille for food and drinks.
The Robson Ranch Women’s Club provides social contacts for its members while working for community betterment. The Women’s Club monthly luncheons provide a unique program that is always entertaining. Members can visit with old and new friends at planned party events and fabulous day and overnight trips.
If you want a little friendly competition when you hang out with friends and neighbors, there are several options. Games for Dames meets the third Monday of each month at the clubhouse at 6:30 p.m. to play easy games for fun and fellowship. The Robson Ranch Poker Club meets every Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in the Robson Ranch Clubhouse, Patriot Room. They welcome all and invite you to come for a fun night of playing cards. A good place to play or learn poker! Just drop in any Tuesday evening. A new game club is forming called “Messy American” Mahjong. It’s geared towards those that might enjoy a more relaxed version of the original game, with a few minor twists that make it more interesting and faster paced. Games are set up for the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month from 1-4 p.m. in the Bandera Room of the Clubhouse.
No excuse not to! Get out and have fun!