Though Random Acts of Kindness Day on Feb. 17 started in 1995, it is still as needed today as it was 30 years ago.
It is the concept of doing something thoughtful and kind without recognition or applause but for the simple reason of putting a smile on someone’s face.
Remember when someone complimented you on your outfit? Or when someone held the door open for you? That small dose of kindness brightened your day, didn’t it.
Studies show that such random acts of kindness not only improve the mood of the recipient but also the mood of the giver. And it makes the recipient more likely to pay if forward.
Launched as part of a foundation in San Francisco, the idea has since grown wings, spreading around the country and to other areas as well.
In an era of much change and chaos, taking the time to do something nice for another individual can make a difference far beyond the deed.
Looking for some ideas? Here’s a few:
• Visit a senior home and spend time listening to their stories
• Say thank you to the person behind the counter
• Stop by and say hello to a lonely neighbor
• Leave a few extra quarters at the vending machine
• Bring a tray of goodies to the office for coworkers to enjoy
• Give a compliment to a passerby
• Send a nice note via email
• Shop and support a locally-owned business
• Pay for someone’s meal behind you at the drive-through window
• Leave the change from your coffee purchase for the next person in line
• Let a friend know you are thinking about them
• Share a funny story to make someone laugh
• Tell someone how much you appreciate them
• Give directions to someone who appears lost
• Share a good book you’ve just finished
Acts of kindness can also be for ourselves, such as taking the time to connect with nature. Or allow time for an enjoyable pastime such as reading a magazine, finishing a crossword puzzle or playing a game of checkers with your child.
Acts of kindness do not have to cost anything. All that matters is the moment of kindness shared – even with ourselves. It truly makes a difference for all of us and can go a long way to helping make the day brighter for everyone.
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