Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Stroup: The Sky Is Falling!

Well, recently you would have thought the phenom that fell from the sky was the sky coming down from up high. Texans are so unaccustomed to the concept of snow it could have been the sky for all they know. As pretty as a picture the blanket of white all over the ground and streets was a sight. On the lawns and the trees, so that was alright. But the snow covered roads filled motorists with fright. Even the most cautious of drivers learned to be wary of sneaky black ice lurking under their tires.

For the most part the main streets weren’t that nasty to navigate. Yet few ventured out except if buying food couldn’t wait. But prudent car owners garaged their vehicles until the snow was mostly gone. And once the ice had fallen victim to the rays of the sun, garage doors flew open and folks were on the road again.

Meantime a School Day promised parents undeserved dread as they pulled the bed covers up over their heads. It was going to be a very long day of throwing clothes in the dryer every time the kids came in after play. Children of all ages searched every closet and drawer for woolen hats and fleece-lined gloves, looking for something, anything warm to wear. The parents had to assure their anxious offspring the sky posed no threat. Then the kids couldn’t wait to feel the thrill of the snow no matter how wet. With chins pointed up and tongues hanging out, of course, they were in their glory catching flakes in their mouths.

Snowball fights, although can be somewhat rough, the youngsters endured with glee because kids are just tough. Snow angels proved to be pretty lame. But instead of their hands burning from the bite of the cold their entire backsides felt like they were in flames. The greatest gift that came from that falling sky was the chance to show off a unique snowman with pride. Didn’t matter how windy, how wet, how chilled to the bone, most any kidlet created a Frosty to call his very own.

So much fun to be had.
This sky falling business wasn’t half bad!
While grownups were relieved to see the stuff go
Boys and girls wanted more snow.

 “When will it happen? When will it come again?
Next time we’ll not make snowballs, we’ll shovel the driveway instead!
And, Oh by the way can we buy a sled?!”

C. Stroup
C. Stroup
Cindy Stroup is a Double Oak resident and has been contributing to The Cross Timbers Gazette for over 35 years. Read her column each month in The Cross Timbers Gazette newspaper.

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