The Argyle ISD Board of Trustees on Wednesday unanimously approved calling a $423 million bond election for May 3.
Trustees approved the $423,170,000 proposal built by the community-led Argyle ISD Bond & Growth Planning Committee, according to a district news release. The bond package will be presented to voters in two propositions and will maintain the current tax rate. It is an $88 million reduction from the propositions in the May 2024 bond election that voters rejected.
The 30-member BGPC, reconvening from the 2024 bond, included parents, staff, community members and business leaders representing all areas of AISD. The reconvened committee held two meetings and closely reevaluated demographic reports, financial updates, and facilities to determine the priorities of the proposal.
The bond proposal, which focuses on growth and long-range planning for projected enrollment, addresses three key areas: new construction projects, existing facility capital improvements and operations and infrastructure.
The 2025 bond package includes:
Proposition A ($393,735,000)
- Elementary No. 6
- Middle School No. 2
- Middle School No. 3 (Planning & Design only)
- Elementary School No. 5 (Bond 2022 Inflation Overage)
- Existing Facilities Capital Improvements
- Land Acquisition & Offsite Costs
- Buses
- Technology Infrastructure
Proposition A capital improvements to existing campuses do not include adding additional student capacity. Proposed improvements include updates to the exteriors and interiors of Hilltop Elementary, the Sixth Grade Center, Argyle Middle School (377 campus), and a connecting hallway between the academic wings of Argyle High School (Canyon Falls).
Proposition B ($29,435,000)
- High School Baseball/Softball Complex at AHS (Canyon Falls)
Over the coming months, the 2025 bond will be presented to voters and communicated in more detail to all AISD staff, families, and community members. Go to for more information about the bond and FAQs.
“I want to extend my deepest gratitude to the Bond & Growth Planning Committee members for their invaluable time and expertise,” Argyle ISD Superintendent Dr. Courtney Carpenter said. “Their forward-thinking approach and commitment to long-range planning provide our community with the opportunity to consider this bond package to address our fast-growing district.”
Early voting for the May 3 Election begins April 22 and closes April 29. The last day to register to vote or to update your name or address is April 3.
If you have any questions about the bond or would like to schedule a presentation for your organization or neighborhood, contact Rick Herrin, Chief Communications Officer, at 940-464-7241.