Sunday, October 27, 2024

Stroup: Holy Moley (Part II of II)

Last month I shared my heart-wrenching story about the mole population permeating my yard that for years I had been at war. Notice I said “had” been at war. The little demons had been leaving dunes of dirt that looked as though they’d been created by critters on steroids. I never knew where the next heap would pop up. Perhaps you’ve heard of “Whack-a-Mole?” I developed my own version of same and named it “Mash-a-Mound?” (Totally fruitless endeavor.) Believe me when I say I HAVE TRIED everything!

However, there is beauty in my most recent outlandish expenditure of money…it has been worth every penny! The ABC Pest company that has been treating my blight has been vigilant, persistent, professional and very effective much to my delight! Their initial visit included walking the acre, marking each mound where the moles had dug up the ground. Long story short to describe what came next was a gas-powered machine that would mostly do the rest. It had a short hose attached which was stuck down in a hole. The hose leached a smoke that carried a venom to the mole. I found it fascinating to watch as a tunnel on one end was “smoked” and some distance away that same smoke came billowing out. Above ground they spread a granular product referred to as SCRAM that smelled a whole lot like garlic but wasn’t half bad. I had to water it in as it makes the moles mad. Small price to pay to drive the demons away.

I truly love most of the creatures God has made but I do have my limits when their worth on this earth seems pretty vague. Have you ever walked out in your yard and stepped down in a mole-hole then landed quite hard? I have for sure, and more than once, sprained an ankle, looking like a clumsy dunce! Much worse than that I had to use crutches to get around.

If it takes “smoking” moles to get rid of them for good
 Excuse me if no remorse I feel, even if perhaps I should!

C. Stroup
C. Stroup
Cindy Stroup is a Double Oak resident and has been contributing to The Cross Timbers Gazette for over 35 years. Read her column each month in The Cross Timbers Gazette newspaper.

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