Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Just the Facts with Mayor Ron Robertson – October 2024

Over the last four years, Copper Canyon has undergone significant changes, including the development of new neighborhoods, the creation of our own Police Department, and the addition of three new officers. We’ve also made substantial improvements to our town’s infrastructure, such as installing sewer lines in Vickery and William Ranch, building new roads, and expanding both the Town Hall and parking areas.

Like many parts of the Metroplex, Copper Canyon is experiencing growth. We can either let this growth happen without guidance or manage it to preserve the rural character of our community. To do this, we’ve hired a planning and development consulting firm to help update our ordinances, master plan, and engineering standards. Although this investment comes with a cost, the Council believes it’s critical to ensure that future development aligns with the town’s values and vision.

Growth also brings financial benefits. This year, we’re able to reduce the town’s tax rate by one cent for the first time in years. This reduction is made possible by developments like Vickery, Copper Creek Estates, Boots Ranch, and William Ranch, which have expanded our housing inventory and boosted tax revenue.

As we look ahead, I believe it’s essential to invest in training for all our boards, including the Council, Planning & Zoning, and the Board of Adjustment. Various training opportunities are available through the North Texas Council of Governments, Texas Municipal League, and our legal advisors. Some are free online, while others involve in-person sessions with associated costs. By investing in this training, we’ll ensure that our boards are equipped to serve the community effectively.

Our financial stability has allowed us to make key updates, including revising ordinances and engineering standards to maintain a consistent approach to development. Additionally, this stability made it possible to establish our Police Department, ensuring the safety and well-being of residents as we continue to grow in one of North Texas’ fastest-growing areas.

In the past year, we hired a new Town Administrator and a Police Chief through a collaborative, multi-step process involving council members, residents, staff, and Planning & Zoning members. The goal was to find the most qualified candidates for our town. Both positions received over 20 applicants, and we are confident we made the right choices for our community’s future.

The need for our own police force became evident as nearby police departments struggled with staffing shortages. Denton County could only provide one deputy for our town on weekdays, and that deputy could be called away at any moment. This inconsistency prompted the Council to seek a dedicated police force. We developed a 10-year financial plan to ensure the police department wouldn’t strain our finances or increase tax rates. The FY 2023-2024 budget included funding for office space, police vehicles, three officers, and parking, with the cost covered by grants, the general fund, the crime prevention fund, and the remaining balance from the 2020 tax note.

We also updated our employee policy manual, which hadn’t been revised since 2009. The updates include provisions for staff training, cost-of-living adjustments, merit-based increases, and other HR policies. Additionally, we updated the town’s investment policy to ensure sound management of our funds. This year, we placed $3 million into a new investment pool and negotiated higher interest rates, boosting our average rate from 1.25% to 5.25%. This change has generated $215,460 in interest so far this year. We also made the final payment on our 2019 tax note.

Unfortunately, we had two council members step down this year. Both made valuable contributions, including updating the employee manual and helping to establish our police department. While they will be missed, we appointed a new council member committed to preserving the town’s character, which also saved us the cost of a November election—approximately $10,000.

Increased community engagement is another highlight of the past year. We established the Development Process Committee and Finance Advisory Committee, and we plan to have resident representation on the Crime Control District Board by the end of November 2024.

Each of these committees includes members from the Council, Planning & Zoning, and staff, ensuring broad representation. We highly value input from our residents as we plan for the town’s future.

Goals for FY 2024-2025

Public Safety: Continue improving community safety through Police Department programs.
Training: Provide training for the Council, Planning & Zoning, Board of Adjustment, and staff.

Infrastructure Maintenance: Prioritize upkeep of town infrastructure, including sewer lines, roads, and Town Hall expansions.

Managing Growth: Guide and promote responsible growth that aligns with the town’s vision.

Code Enforcement: Strengthen proactive code enforcement to maintain community standards.

In summary, we can either be reactive to growth and risk losing Copper Canyon’s unique character, or we can proactively invest in our town’s future. By managing development thoughtfully and investing in services and infrastructure, we will create a community that thrives for years to come. We will also continue exploring new revenue streams to help manage tax rates. I want to extend my thanks to the Town Council and all residents for your support as we navigate these changes. We welcome your feedback and suggestions.

Upcoming Events

Trail Clean-Up Day: Saturday, Oct. 19, from 9 a.m. to 12 noon at the Corp of Engineer trails. Volunteers should meet at the parking pad just north of Pilot Knoll Park on the east side of 2499. A makeup date is scheduled for Oct. 26, if needed. For more information, visit:

Committee & Board Opportunities: We are seeking residents to serve on the Town’s Planning & Zoning Commission, Board of Adjustment, Crime Control and Prevention Board, and other committees. Please submit your application by Oct. 31. The Crime Control and Prevention Board will provide recommendations and guidance on crime prevention and public safety strategies. For more details and to apply, visit the ‘Residents’ tab on our website.

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