Monday, March 10, 2025

Just the Facts with Mayor Ron Robertson – September 2024

We, as your Town Council and Mayor, acknowledge and embrace feedback from the residents of Copper Canyon, our neighbors.

Copper Canyon has, is, and will continue to attract growth, which results in pressure to develop suburban housing that is less dense than normal for our town. These developments have the potential to disturb the “rural” fabric that makes this town special.

I share the passion and echo the sentiment many residents have expressed resisting dense residential development. As Mayor, and personally, I am committed to preserving the rural, equestrian nature of Copper Canyon. Equally, I acknowledge the rights of landowners, and recognize that our Code of Ordinances must reflect the desire of residents, be effective and diligently enforced.

Through our Master Plan and Development Process Review Checklist, we have been, and are, careful to encourage this type of residential development along corridors that frame the town on major transportation routes. Vickery and Williams Ranch are two examples. However, market economic forces are driving some Copper Canyon landowners and outside developers to seek higher density development in interior portions of the Town. These forces are likely to continue and become more enticing to landowners and developers.

The maturity and sophistication of the Town’s ordinances and development processes have not advanced at the same rate as the market forces. Town Council and I hear you and we are committed to closing those gaps quickly.

The Council has approved an agreement with Dunaway Associates, LLC to work with our Development Process Review Committee to ensure compliance with state, federal and local laws, and to close gaps and loopholes.

In the near future Town Council will be considering moving forward with adding a new part-time position – Town Development Director. This is a new role being established in order to mitigate limitations from current workload and bolster experience and will focus on an overall assessment of the following Town functions: Financial, Operational Efficiency, Service Delivery, Infrastructure and Asset Management and Development and Regulatory.

Four years ago, I proposed hiring a part-time code enforcement officer. Residents of Copper Canyon didn’t feel the time was right at that time. Certain issues, including unlawful buildings, make it clear that Copper Canyon requires this resource to ensure residents and developers adhere to Town Ordinances. The council has approved an agreement with SafeBuild to provide a part-time code enforcement officer. Staff will be working with SafeBuild over the next few weeks reviewing ordinances.

Earlier this year, I discussed an objective to reduce taxes by two cents. The changes I’ve mentioned have weakened that opportunity. We have modeled a one-cent reduction that both provides tax relief and enables an investment to address development issues.

On September 9th at 7 p.m., the Council will hold a public hearing on the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Proposed Budget. On September 23rd at 7 p.m. there will be a public hearing on the proposed tax rate, a vote on the proposed Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget and a vote on the proposed tax rate. The Council is proposing to decrease the tax rate by one cent to .265990.

Our development process ordinances, policies and procedures will undergo significant changes over the next 6 to 12 months. We ask for your trust, patience and involvement as we work through these challenges. Town Council, myself as Mayor and Town Staff all seek to do what is best for ALL concerned, without personal agenda or bias.

Committees, Boards and Commissions

If you would like to serve on either the Town’s Planning and Zoning Commission, Board of Adjustment or Crime Control and Prevention Board, now is the time to apply. The Crime Control and Prevention Board will provide recommendations and guidance to the Police Chief and the Town Council regarding crime prevention strategies and public safety needs in the community. Responsibilities may include developing programs related to public safety and making budget recommendations to the Town Council. Applications will be accepted through September 13th.

The application for either the P&Z Commission, Board of Adjustment, and/or other committees, can be found on the Town’s website under the ‘Residents’ tab/town volunteer application and under the ‘Government’ tab/Boards and Commissions.

Town Cleanup day

Saturday, October 5, from 8 to 11:30 a.m. will be Clean-up Day in Copper Canyon. Please go to our website for more details on what items are acceptable/unacceptable (see ‘News and Announcements’).

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