Tuesday, January 14, 2025

O’Bara: Denton ISD kicks off school year with new schools and commitment to student success

Dear Denton ISD Community,

The first day of school has always been one of my favorite times of the year – filled with hope and new opportunities. I have so many fond memories from childhood that took place in our schools! My incredible experiences were made possible by teachers, leaders and a community that cared deeply about my hopes and dreams.

This year, I am even more fortunate to experience another first day of school in Denton ISD now as our Superintendent of Schools. As a lifelong Denton resident, Denton ISD educator and the mother of two Denton ISD graduates, having the opportunity to lead our district is a dream come true. I have seen firsthand the tremendous impact our schools have on our students – and the relationships we forge with our families is the reason we are so successful.

Denton ISD is an extraordinary place, and the growth we are experiencing is proof that our community recognizes that. Last year, we welcomed more students than ever before, and they are served by over 4,500 staff members who are committed to supporting excellence for all.

As has been the case for several years, Denton ISD continues to rank as one of the fastest-growing school districts in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex based on new home closings. I believe families are joining our community at such a fast rate because of the exceptional education their children will receive and our loving, supportive staff.

To help address the growth we are experiencing, we are in the process of opening and building several new schools thanks to the Capital Improvement Plan that was overwhelmingly approved by district voters in May 2023. One of those campuses is Martinez Elementary, which opened this month in the fastest-growing area of our district in the Braswell High School attendance zone, providing even more opportunities for some of our youngest learners.

Other campuses from the 2023 bond referendum that are in the planning and development stages are the district’s second Advanced Technology Complex and Denton ISD’s fifth comprehensive high school – both of which will be located in the town of Cross Roads.

In addition, two replacement campuses also opened this month in the heart of Denton. Newton Rayzor Elementary and Calhoun Middle School both have new homes on Crescent Street on the site of the old Denton High School. Each of these replacement campuses were funded by the 2018 Capital Improvement Plan, and these terrific schools will provide even more opportunities for learning for our students. And, as a former Calhoun student myself, seeing the joy on our teachers’ and student’s faces as they entered their new school was something I will remember forever.

As Denton ISD continues to grow and welcome new faces to our district, the partnerships we cultivate with our families, staff, community and stakeholders are paramount. It is through these partnerships that we ensure every single student feels loved, valued and supported in their learning environment. We would love to see you working alongside our incredible staff and students, and you can volunteer your time by signing up at the following link: https://forms.dentonisd.org/Forms/volunteerapplication

We value your child’s development and believe that our teachers provide the key connection for student success. I cannot wait to watch our students continue to grow and learn this year. Thank you for choosing Denton ISD, and I hope to see you on campus soon.

Dr. Susannah Holbert O’Bara, Superintendent
Denton Independent School District

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