Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Just the Facts with Mayor Ron Robertson — May 2024

Please join us at the Monday, May 13th Town Council Meeting where Roger Tighe will be sworn in as the Town’s first police chief and where Mayor Pro Tem Steven Hill, Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Rudy Castillo and Councilmember Chase Lybbert will be sworn in for new terms on council.

New Copper Canyon Police Chief Roger Tighe

Chief Roger Tighe has 25 years of law enforcement experience in Texas. He began his career with the City of Copperas Cove Police Department in 1998 as a reserve officer before becoming a full-time police officer for the city of Nolanville in 2000. He served as a patrol officer, acting sergeant and was later promoted to lieutenant as the department grew from a two-person agency to a department with 10 full-time officers, two part-time officers and four reserve officers supported by a civilian administrative assistant. He then made a lateral transfer to the Central Texas College Police Department where he served as a supervisory officer while pursuing a Bachelor of Criminal Justice.

In 2011, he accepted a position with the Knox County Sheriff’s Office as their chief deputy where he supervised both full-time and reserve deputies while aiding the Jail Administrator as the inmate grievance officer.

Upon completion of a bachelor’s degree in 2013, Tighe accepted the position of chief of police and director of campus safety for Cisco College where he has served since December 2015. In his tenure as chief, he was able to grow the department by adding a full-time evening shift officer, four auxiliary police officers and ensured that all unsworn campus safety officers were trained and licensed to either the Level II (unarmed) or Level III (armed) certification through the Texas Department of Public Safety’s Private Security Bureau. In addition to serving as the chief, he also directly supported the college’s primary mission of education by becoming an adjunct criminal justice instructor and completing a Master of Criminal Justice through Tarleton State University in 2020.

Tighe is a graduate of the Bill Blackwood Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas Leadership Command College Class #88. He is also a field training officer, TASER and firearms instructor and certified to provide ALERRT Level I active shooter and solo officer rapid deployment training. As a working chief, he has stayed active in the necessities of current law enforcement work and routinely operates from a patrol vehicle.

He is a father of two children, an 11-year-old daughter and a 16-year-old son and hopes to continue to guide them to be productive members of society.

Come meet your new Police Chief Roger Tighe on May 21st from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at Town Hall.

Town Hall Updates

The Town Hall expansion continues to move forward. The new parking lot on the east side of the building is now open. Striping of the parking lot will be completed after the irrigation and sod are installed around the perimeter of the parking area. The building foundation is scheduled to be poured within the next two weeks, pending weather events.

Trail Clean Up

The Pilot Knoll Trail Spring Cleanup Day held on April 27th was a great success! We had a fantastic turnout of volunteers who mowed, picked up trash, and trimmed trees along the trail. A big thanks goes out to Steve and Robin Grider for coordinating the cleanup this year.

Memorial Day

On May 27, Memorial Day, we pause to honor and remember the men and women who have died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. It is a day of remembrance for those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country allowing us to live freely in a town we love. Another important holiday this month is May 12th, Mother’s Day. To those who take care of their own, someone else’s or their four-legged babies, have a wonderful day celebrating you.

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