Friday, March 14, 2025

LETTER: Don’t let your silence determine Flower Mound’s future

To the 50,000 plus registered Flower Mound voters who never exercise their privilege to vote in our annual May municipal election, we need your votes!

Here’s why:

  • 40% of Flower Mound’s Council Members live in far west Flower Mound–comprised of just 4% of Flower Mound voters
  • 80% of the Council Members were elected with support from a small group of “slow growth” political donors. (One council member–not supported by these donors–term limits out this May)
  • This council is so dead-set against growth, our commercial tax base has decreased, placing more of the tax burden on the residents
  • Flower Mound is faced with $200 million in critical capital improvement projects over the next 10 years. These projects are for everyday items, like roads, water, sewer, police, and fire stations, as well as needed maintenance to the Community Activity Center

The need for these projects has been known for well over 10 years and include replacement of aging infrastructure and providing for basic public safety support in east Flower Mound where 96% of voters live. These projects are currently unfunded at this point.

As for the projects that will support the residents of west Flower Mound (4% of FM voters), these will be partially-funded by a new Tax Increment Revenue Zone (TIRZ) implemented this year by the current council. They sure take care of their own, don’t they?

Regardless of the TIRZ in west Flower Mound, one or more bond elections will be essential to fund these projects. (Check out the budget item in the workshop on the town’s website, dated 4/18/24). The Town Manager stated that Flower Mound has rarely faced a similar situation in its history.

This Council is so dominated by “slow growth,” its members have guided Flower Mound into unprecedented, irresponsible financial territory. That, coupled with a $40 million lawsuit –brought on by this council, who now are trying to quell its effects by enticing the landowner with 1,500 high density units-will definitely have residents of west Flower Mound reconsidering their votes…because, like typical politicians, they’re not telling their constituents about any of this…this vote regarding the 1,500 high density units will surely occur after this election.

If you didn’t vote last year, ask yourself if you think Flower Mound can do better… if you agree, take an hour to review the candidates running in the May election and vote for what’s best for you!

If you live in east Flower Mound, you certainly don’t have council members doing what’s best for you…

Early voting is going on now through April 30th, at the Community Activity Center, 1200 Gerault Rd., the Senior Center, 2701 W. Windsor Dr., and Denton County Southwest Courthouse, 6200 Canyon Falls Drive. Election Day is May 4th.

Patsy Mizeur
Flower Mound

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