Thursday, March 13, 2025

Pastor’s Place: The Genuine Article

How do you know something is real? How can you tell if something is true, genuine, or authentic as it claims to be the factual representation of itself? Can you spot a fake?

Over this past Christmas, I played a joke on my wife. Doofus move, I know. I put fake diamond earrings in my wife’s Christmas stocking. Pause for effect. Did I mention already this was in poor taste and borderline reckless to stay married to said wife?

Well, the joke was that we had both agreed to buy “less” this year and stay within our agreed Christmas budget for each other. Up to that point in her stocking, I had. Then, she opened with disbelief these beautifully wrapped, 3-carat diamond earrings which looked very real. They were not! These were fake, made of glass, and proudly bought from (where all faithful husbands shop). Yet, for a moment, she thought I had “blown” the agreed-upon budget on these gawdy, huge and tasteless earrings which I played off that I was super excited to give to her.

Well, she saw through my ruse quickly and we both had a good laugh, more like a nervous laughter as in barely escaping a bear attack. But, she was quick to declare them fake, return them, and reclaim the meager price for something actually useful.

This fun Christmas moment shared intimately between husband and wife, well, it got me thinking how she could spot so efficiently these were not “real” diamond earrings at all. Besides the glaring reality that I could never actually afford such over-priced, needless, be-carboned ornaments that women unwittingly adore, my wife knew instantly they were fake. She’s good like that; she can see right through the fake in most things. This caused me to reflect.

What about our Christian lives? Am I living authentically for Christ? Am I neatly wrapped and shiny on the outside, but truthfully living a fake Christian existence? Are you the real deal or are you simply posing as a Christian? Could anyone spot the fakeness in you? Have you ever considered that people are watching your life to see if you actually live up to what you claim to believe about Christ? I’ve heard it asked like this: “if you were in a court of law, is there enough evidence to convict you that you are a genuine follower of Jesus Christ?” Ouch.

As we consider this new year and our habits, patterns and lifestyles as proud Texans, perhaps today is a great day to remind your heart that people everywhere (neighbors, co-workers, friends and family) are truly watching your life – all of it.

Jesus reminds us that we are to be lights in dark world. We are not to hide our light! If we are genuine followers of Christ, “we will not walk in darkness, but have the light of life” (John 8:12). Basically, you are like shiny diamonds who will catch people’s eyes. Yet, will you be the real, authentic display of Christ’s life and message, or a counterfeit?

As many people move into this area, maybe you will be the first person they will ever meet who actually represents Jesus in an authentic, positive way. I pray this will be most true of you. And that would be no joke!


The Pastor’s Place features columns written by a different area church leader each month. Call 940-728-8284 for more information.

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The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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