Thursday, March 20, 2025

Northlake Notes — February 2024

It is a New Year with lots in the works! A small commercial corner was zoned along FM 1171 next to the Livano apartments. The applicant is planning a daycare and possibly a couple neighborhood shops.

We sustained a setback in our Oncor transmission line fight on the one yard line. After 14 months of fighting to get a reasonable route, we had an agreement with the nine litigants in the area which the administrative law judge agreed to in his decision a few months ago. The final step should have led to the conclusion of the matter with a confirmation by the Public Utility Commission in Austin. Instead, with only 60 seconds of discussion and no opportunity for public comment, the commissioners ruled to undo a key part of the route agreement. While the majority of the route across Northlake avoided our neighborhoods, a portion of the route is slated to cut through our parks and trails in Canyon Falls and another immediately adjacent to the Livano apartments. This situation is not acceptable and we will be pursuing our options to rectify this. The process continues…

This is going to be an exciting year in Texas. We are anticipating at least four elections so far. The more local the election the greater your vote counts! The first one is the partisan primaries coming up at the end of this month. Remember that the primary is where you PICK the President and state and county officials, and November is when they are elected. You have much more power over who becomes President in the primary so be sure to participate.

Our local elections should be exciting as well. Five seats are open this spring, including the seat that I have had the privilege to hold for almost five years. My family and I have decided not to run again for the office of Mayor in Northlake. I say “we” because it takes the whole family to be able to serve in public office and they’ve done their part. We’ve given what we believe is the best we have to offer in friendly, professional public service. In May, whomever you chose as the next Mayor will take office. Thank you Northlake! It has been the opportunity of a lifetime. You will see me on the ballot, but not for Mayor, for a new role in which we hope to continue serving our community.

CTG Staff
CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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