Happy New Year!
This was our 10th year for the Bartonville Police Department’s Blue Santa Program providing gifts to 32 kids, and once again, the kindness and generosity of the Bartonville community made it a huge success. Thank you to the many residents who contributed gifts and monetary donations, to Waste Connections for donating 5 bicycles, and finally to the Argyle Student Leadership group (PALS) for their efforts in wrapping all the gifts. This program would not be possible without all of you.
I want to thank the volunteers who braved the cold and windy day to participate in the Mayors Red Kettle Challenge for the Salvation Army on Dec. 9th. As of this writing, our team collected a little over $1,600 to sit in second place behind Lewisville’s $2,000. All revenue raised through your efforts will stay in our local community to help neighbors navigate the challenges of poverty, addiction, and homelessness.
Bartonville’s first annual Christmas Tree Lighting event was a success! Working with Lantana Community Church, attendees enjoyed hot chocolate, fire pits, and Christmas music. I had the honor of welcoming everyone and lighting the tree to officially kick off the season. The event ended with Fire Truck Santa making a surprise visit and delighting kids and parents alike. Our Event Committee did a great job planning this event. If you do not want to miss exciting events like this in the future sign up for “Notify Me” on the town’s website to stay informed.
As we move into our coldest months, please take a moment to sign-up for the free e-mail/cell phone text message Emergency Notification system provided by Denton County Emergency Services District #1 at dentoncountyesd1.gov. These alerts will let you know the instant a severe weather Watch or Warning is issued by the National Weather Service for Bartonville. We will continue to advocate with the County for sanding our hills and intersections should an ice event occur, but staff is also exploring other sources to keep our roads safe.
The Land Use Plan Survey that was conducted in September 2022 indicated that our residents are concerned with the increase in traffic throughout the interior of our town. I asked the Town Council to create a Traffic Committee to assess traffic and other related concerns and bring recommendations to the Town Council for possible action. One of the recommendations that resulted in action was the addition of stop signs at some of the busier interior intersections. Recently completed traffic counts show that those roadways impacted by the new stop signs at Porter Road, E. Jeter Road, and Gibbons Road saw a decrease in traffic volume, while those roads around the perimeter (FM 407 and McMakin) saw substantial increases (consistent with previous years) during that same period. It appears that the stop signs are indeed decreasing traffic volume through our town’s interior.
The Town of Bartonville has received 27 total applications for the open Chief of Police position. The Town is utilizing the professional services of Sierra Delta, a selection firm specializing in these types of searches, and they have narrowed the pool to six applicants who will move to the peer review portion of the process in early January. Shortly thereafter, 2-3 applicants will move to a final interview. It is anticipated that the new Chief of Police will be onboard no later than March 1 after a thorough background check.
The first day that candidates may file their application for a place on the ballot in the May 4, 2024 General Election is January 17, 2024. The last day of the candidate filing period is February 16, 2024. The Mayor, Council Member Place 2, and Council Member Place 4 terms are expiring this year. More information is available at townofbartonville.com/2151/Elections
Development Update:
Andy’s Frozen Custard and Swig continue to progress through the development process and they have applied for Conditional Use Permits to operate drive throughs.
Whataburger has gone vertical with its building as construction continues at a quick pace.
Cloud 9 Salon & Spa is open! They received their Certificate of Occupancy last month in front of Marty Bs at 2660 FM 407.
Deer Hollow (5-acre subdivision behind Hat Creek) – this subdivision includes 14 residential lots.
Eagle Ridge (2-acre subdivision across FM 407 from Tractor Supply) – this subdivision includes 33 residential lots.
Hudson Hills (2-acre subdivision behind Marty B’s) – this subdivision includes 33 residential lots.
Trifecta Estates (2-acre subdivision off McMakin) – this subdivision includes 8 residential lots.
Meeting Reminders:
Town Council meets third Tuesday at 6:30 p.m.; unless changed by Town Council action
Planning & Zoning meets first Wednesday at 7 p.m.
Community Development Corporation meets second Wednesday at 6 p.m.
Board of Adjustment, Crime Control & Prevention District, Special Events Committee, Traffic Safety Committee meets as needed. Please check the online town calendar for current meeting dates.
Do not miss any exciting news, updates, or meetings; visit the Town’s website at townofbartonville.com and sign up for updates by clicking on “Notify Me.”
n addition to contacting Town Hall at 817.693.5280, residents may reach me at mayor@townofbartonville.com.