On behalf of the men and women of Denton County Emergency Services District No. 1, we would like to wish you and your families a Happy Holidays! We are truly blessed and thankful for all of the community support that we have received during this past year.
As I reflect on the challenges and opportunities of this past year, I’m reminded of a profound quote by baseball Hall of Fame catcher Carlton Fisk who once said in defining his career “it’s not what you achieve in life, it’s what you overcome.” I would only add to his eloquent statement that what we have overcome this past year is bigger than any one person and took a whole community of support.
This unwavering community support was vividly evident during the November 7th elections, where the voters of Argyle, Bartonville, Copper Canyon, Corral City, Lantana, Northlake, and surrounding extraterritorial jurisdictions overwhelming approved the creation of a new emergency services district by 89.2%, and the annexation of Lantana into the existing district by 92.2%. The successful passing of these propositions will allow our firefighters and paramedics to continue to serve our community with the highest level of service for decades to come. We are honored to serve and so grateful for your support.
For the month of October, the Denton County ESD #1 responded to 272 calls, with 57% being medical related and 43% being fire or service related.
If you would like to sign up for free emergency notifications from Denton County Emergency Services District #1, you can do so by calling 940.464.7102. Weather notifications are automatically generated for our citizens within the Denton County ESD No. 1 when the National Weather Service issues a “watch” and/or a “warning.”
To reach Chief Vaughan, send an email to RVaughan@DentonCountyESD1.gov or call 940.464.7102. For more information, please visit DentonCountyESD1.gov