Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Discover refreshing tastes at Believe Meadery in Argyle

Brian Harris insists he’s got something special brewing at Believe Meadery in Argyle. And no, it’s not only because he’s crazy about mead or that he’s busy selling bottle after bottle of popular flavors such as red raspberry, peach, and passion fruit each weekend.

All of that is 100% true, but the real “something special” is when those same patrons return hours later with friends.

“Many of them tried a bottle for the first time a few hours earlier. They left, and then I see them come back the same day while dragging their friends along,” Harris said. “That’s what is rewarding about all of this.”

Almost everyone is familiar with beer, wine, and cider, but there are many fermentable ingredients that different cultures have used over the centuries. Mead is fermented honey, and melomel is fermented honey with fruit, and both are at the heart of what Harris is trying to do with Believe Meadery. Opened in 2020, it is a boutique producer of homemade meads and melomels that use a unique combination of wildflower honey, fruit, other natural ingredients, and only 6% alcohol.

Harris, who lives in Highland Village and recently won awards in four different categories at GrapeFest, makes everything from scratch and currently has seven flavors to choose from. There are no artificial flavors or colors, and everything is strictly gluten-free.

“I’m probably the only person in this portion of the United States making it this way, and it’s something unique that’s right here in Argyle,” Harris said. His experience in making beer, wine, ale, cider, and other fermented drinks spans 30 years. “I remember giving them away to friends when I started, and they said, ‘You should sell these.’ I thought, ‘You know what? I should.’ But I wanted to do it my way, and I wanted something I could believe in. Hence the name, Believe Meadery.”

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