Jehangir Raja, who ran for mayor of Flower Mound last year, is the Founder of JR Dallas Wealth Management, a private equity investment firm that provides growth capital for emerging companies. As CEO of JR Dallas, located at 2201 Spinks Road in Flower Mound, Jehangir is a hedge fund manager, an entrepreneur, a Wall Street veteran, and an accomplished financial executive. JR, as he prefers to be called, his charming wife, Daliyah, and their three lovely daughters, have been residents of Flower Mound for the past four years.
On December 5th, JR’s company received the 2022 Texas Consilium Business Excellence (TCBE) finalist award, at their Flower Mound office. The prestigious award, whose past recipients include Jerry Jones, owner of the Dallas Cowboys, presented to him by Texas Governor Greg Abbot, was established to help Texans expand their vision of what is possible in the entrepreneurial world. Presenting the award was Dennis Holland, Director of Marketing and Business Development for TCBE.
The TCBE award is based on seven criteria: Leadership, corporate stewardship, customer satisfaction, operational excellence, employee satisfaction, strategic planning and business results. Minimum annual revenues are $10 million, and evaluations will be stratified by company size up to the no-limit $1 Billion+ level. There are no industry restrictions. Texas-based businesses are preferred, although consideration will be given to businesses with a significant Texas presence, which includes key Texas leadership.