Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Bartonville Town Update — November 2022

Happy Thanksgiving!

I would like to thank everyone who attended and contributed to the success of the National Night Out held on Oct. 4that the Lantana Community Church. This event would not have been possible without the generous donations and support of our local community. A very special thank you to the Lantana Community Church for providing the use of their parking lot and to Marty B’s, the Bartonville Store, and Miss Piggy’s Catering for donating the delicious food and to Waste Connections for providing the beverages. We appreciate all of the exhibitors, agencies and sponsors who donated their time, energy, door prizes and funding in support of this community outreach. We truly appreciate your generosity. A special thank you to the Town Staff that assisted in organizing the event and to the volunteers who helped before, during and after the event and to every resident who attended the evening’s celebration.

The Bartonville Police Department’s Blue Santa program is underway! This program is an opportunity for Bartonville residents to help provide a happy holiday to those in need in our community and school districts. If you want to participate, stop by Town Hall beginning Nov. 16th (during posted business hours), to pick up a wish list ornament. Monetary donations and grocery store gift cards are also accepted. All items must be returned to Town Hall no later than Friday, December 9. If you have any questions, please call 817-693-5280. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

With the Comprehensive Plan Survey closing Oct. 6th and initial tabulations showing “less traffic” as the single most-referenced change residents wanted to see, the Traffic Ad Hoc Committee held its last meeting on Oct. 11th and forwarded their recommendations to Town Council. The recommendations are specifically targeted to improve the health, safety, and welfare of the community. On Oct. 18th, the Town Council received and approved those recommendations.

As part of the approved recommendations staff will bring forward an ordinance revision for Town Council consideration adding eight new stop sign locations, which will create three-way stop conditions at Broome/Porter, Jeter/Porter, Jeter/Gibbons, and Gibbons/Frenchtown/Dove Creek. Another ordinance revision will be considered to lower the speed limit on McMakin Road from 40MPH to 30MPH. Significant signage enhancements are also included in the proposal with new speed limit signs throughout the community, new radar speed signs on McMakin, Porter, and Gibbons, as well as other signs designed to improve safety.

The full Comprehensive Plan Survey results are expected to be presented during our November Town Council meeting, but initial results indicate that the community overwhelming supports keeping Bartonville country. Almost 80% of respondents agree with the current Land Use Plan, and nearly 95% oppose lot sizes of less than two acres. As your mayor, I will continue to advance proposals that preserve the character of our town.

Road improvements continue throughout town, with the pothole repair and crack sealing completed for this round of work. Microsurfacing should commence around Nov. 7th. This process will be slightly more disruptive than the previous work, so please watch for door hangers and notices in your area around this time.

Reminder: The regular Planning & Zoning meeting is Wednesday, Nov. 9 instead of Wednesday, Nov. 2 due to Early Voting. Speaking of Early Voting, as mentioned in my last article, the Town Council approved an ordinance calling for a special election to consider a proposition for or against reallocating the dedicated sales and uses taxes of the Community Development Corporation and the Street Maintenance Sales Tax. If the voters approve the proposition, there will be absolutely no increase in the overall sales tax rate. If approved, it will reduce the Community Development Corporation Sales and Use Tax from .25% to .125% and increase the Street Maintenance Sales Taxfrom .50% to .625%. If the proposition is not approved, there will be no reallocation of funds. For additional information please visit www.townofbartonville.com/elections

Reminder: Town Hall will be closed in observation of Veteran’s Day on Friday, Nov. 11, as well as Nov. 23-24 for the Thanksgiving holiday.

Bartonville Businesses

The Town Council approved a Conditional Use Permit for a Whataburger with a drive through on Oct. 18th. The restaurant is proposed at the northeast corner of FM 407 and Blanco Drive in Lantana Town Center. Conditions of the permit included on-site security from midnight to 4 a.m. on Saturdays and Sundays, as well as enhanced requirements related to potential noise created by the drive through. No timeline has been provided for construction.

New Subdivisions Under Construction

Eagle Ridge (across 407 from Tractor Supply) – Construction on the infrastructure continues, with the perimeter wall going up now. This subdivision includes 38 two-acre residential lots on 87 acres.

Deer Hollow (behind Hat Creek) -This subdivision includes 14 five-acre residential lots on 81 acres. The final plat for this subdivision is tentatively scheduled for consideration in November.

Do not miss any exciting news or updates, please visit the Town’s website at www.townofbartonville.com and sign upfor updates by clicking on “Notify Me.” In addition to contacting Town Hall at 817.693.5280, residents may reach me at [email protected]

CTG Staff
CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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