Monday night, the Lewisville ISD Board of Trustees approved the district’s budget for the 2022-23 school year and adopted a tax rate that is $0.07 lower than last year’s, from $1.3085 to $1.2368 per $100 in taxable value.
In an update from Superintendent Dr. Lori Rapp published online Tuesday, Rapp said the district “will continue our work to always be good stewards of taxpayer dollars.” She said the budget prioritizes classroom instruction, safety and security, and pay raises to keep LISD competitive with surrounding districts. LISD allotted an additional $3 million to expand its safety and security team and add additional school resource officers throughout the district.
Rapp said that when the Texas Legislature reconvenes in the spring, the district will advocate for common sense updates to school funding
“Funding increases will help school districts in planning for compensation increases to attract high quality teachers for our students; addressing the academic and emotional needs of our students; covering higher costs due to inflation, and ensuring that our schools are safe for our students and communities,” Rapp said. “Texas School funding is a complex formula, even for those who are deeply entrenched in the system. But we believe there is no more important investment than the one made into our public schools, and ensuring every Texas school student has access to educational opportunities that prepare them to thrive in a future they create.”