Sunday, March 16, 2025

Scherer: Support Bridget Melson for Mayor

I have been in the unique position of serving with both mayoral candidates for several years. Being mayor is not about a title, it is about a driving desire to serve the needs of the town. It is understanding that the needs of our community outweigh any personal ideal. Bridget is what Bartonville needs. She is approachable and honest. She has consistently demonstrated that she has the skills, dedication, demeanor, and integrity to best represent our town.

Her actions over the past years speak louder than my endorsement:

  • Cultivating, Collaborating and Maintaining relationships with county leaders. Bridget has met with County Judge Eads and Commissioner Edmondson to introduce herself and to garner support for road infrastructure and overall support of our small community.
  • Unequivocal representation. Bridget seeks out and listens to the individuals of Bartonville. She is not beholden to any single group or committee.
  • Bridget has had and is ready to have direct and honest conversations with our citizens. She has proven she can delicately handle difficult conversations and provide insight into town negotiations.
  • Respectability and Responsibility. Bridget owns her actions with integrity. She stands up for her decisions and for those of the town, taking responsibility for those decisions. Many times, I have witnessed Bridget take responsibility for her action, explain her position, openly discuss any concerns, and reconsider her position if warranted.
  • The duty of mayor extends beyond the monthly council meetings. Bridget understands the scope and demands of the position and has made herself available.
  • As council alderman, Bridget exemplifies her desire to serve our town. This is not about title or prestige; this is about service. Her dedication to preserve our great community.
  • In the past few years, Bartonville has faced and overcome some complex challenges – the water tower lawsuit, COVID, the ETF release, to name a few. Quality leadership is needed to navigate the town through challenges and, at times, have those difficult conversations. Bridget Melson is that leader.

You are receiving multiple views/endorsements from multiple sources, before you cast your precious vote, view the candidates for yourself – “Bartonville Meet the Candidate” is available for replay here. Place 2 Debate – Start of video. Mayoral Debate 33 mins into video. Please share the video link above with others so they have complete information for their decision.

Fact Check:

  • Property Tax Reduction – No council member was more or less “Instrumental” or “Recommended”.  I made the proposal, and all council members supported the reduction.
  • Public safety – All candidates support public safety.
  • Support for Town Attorney – All council members support the guidance of the Town Attorney as he interprets the literal law. Many issues have options to discuss within the bounds of the law, not just blind acceptance of the “black and white”, which our town attorney encourages.
  • Support for our rural environment – All candidates want to keep our environment “country”
  • Keep Bartonville Country (KBC) claims to have kept Bartonville country – NOT TRUE – Before KBC became a political machine, the council rejected multiple attempts to expand sewer and changes to the “Comprehensive Use Plan” (lot sizes).  The difference today is that nothing can be considered that does not meet KBC’s views whether it be land use or unfortunately numerous other topics.  The council, and by extension Planning and Zoning, should be able to review options and bring them up for public debate when in the best interest of the town.

Reminder – The last “Meet the Mayor” for my time as Mayor will be Monday, 4/25/2022 at 7 p.m. at the Lantana Community Church, 2200 E. Jeter Rd. behind the “Bartonville Kroger Center.”

CTG Staff
CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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