“The Man, The Message, The Ministry, The Mission.”
While in Charlotte, North Carolina, we loved our journey through history with one of the most influential voices of the 20th century. Billy Graham was truly an extraordinary international evangelist and his message was simply about “God’s Love.”
The Billy Graham Library dedication ceremony took place on Thursday, May 31, 2007 in Charlotte. It was attended by Billy Graham, former Presidents Carter, Clinton and Bush and a crowd of nearly 1,500. Over a million visitors have been through the library since its opening.
At the library you walk, at your own pace, through multimedia exhibits, films, and memorabilia. It’s fascinating to relive and learn about the historic moments of his life. Also, on the property, you can tour the restored Graham family home, shop in Ruth’s Attic gift shop, and enjoy lunch in the Dairy Bar.

The Journey of Faith focuses on what God did in the life of a young farm boy who grew up in rural North Carolina, committed his life to Jesus Christ at a local revival and, through God’s grace manifested in him, became what many consider “America’s Pastor” and evangelist to the world. Reminiscent of Billy Graham’s upbringing on a dairy farm on the outskirts of Charlotte, the Library building is styled after a dairy barn, and his boyhood home has been restored a short walk from the main library building. The entrance to the library is in the shape of a cross.
The tour begins and ends with multimedia presentations, the first to lay a foundation for what guests will encounter in the exhibits and, at the end, another to consider the same call Billy Graham has extended to millions of others in 185 countries.
Until the vision for the Billy Graham Library was explained in these terms, Billy Graham was against the idea of a library bearing his name. He was so adamant against anything that would detract from the message he has preached for more than 60 years—a message that points to Christ alone as the way to God.
“We are not lifting up or pointing to Billy Graham,” says son Franklin Graham. “We are pointing to the Lord Jesus Christ.” Throughout the tour, visitors hear the Gospel presented and have opportunity to respond to the message.
The Billy Graham Library is not a memorial, nor is it a museum. It is simply a ministry; prayerfully planned with the intention of communicating the unchanging, life-giving message of Jesus Christ to hundreds of thousands of visitors each year that may never had the opportunity to attend a Crusade.
The library complex includes Billy Graham’s childhood home, built in 1927 on their dairy farm about four miles away from the library. It has been beautifully restored and is filled with family photos and personal items of the Graham family.
Guests of the library will experience the story of a common man who used his God-given potential to bring God’s love, strength, hope and kindness to millions of people around the world. The ongoing crusade message of the library will continue for generations to come.
The Billy Graham Library will leave you inspired by this amazing man, his life and his message of hope. It’s clearly an ongoing Crusade!