Friday, March 14, 2025

Just the Facts about Copper Canyon — August 2021

We had a great 4th of July celebration– 310 people, longest parade ever, In & Out Burger served over 224 hamburgers, drinks, and chips. A big thank you to Rick Jordan who always participates by cooking hot dogs and providing drinks. Kona Ice was a hit as well as face painting. Thank you to Carol Owens and the Woodland’s Women’s Club for hosting again this year. The 4th of July is a Copper Canyon tradition and Woodlands Women’s Club has hosted the event for over 37 years!

Even though it’s summer, the Council, P&Z, and staff are hard at work on several issues. The P&Z Commission led by Mark Pape has been working hard to revise and update our ordinances. They are also reviewing a potential new development for the Williams property on FM 407 in Town Center. This is a residential development consisting of approximately 20 acres.

In addition to development within the town, the Council has been working on the upcoming budget for the new fiscal year. Mayor Pro Tem Steve Hill has overseen the financial aspects of the town for over 20 years.

This year the Council is considering increased services such as an additional “shred” day in the spring, increased bulk trash and recycling days and increased code enforcement to keep our town beautiful and protect property values. Our goal is to improve and increase services while maintaining a low tax rate for our residents.

If you would like to serve on either of the Town’s Planning and Zoning Commission or Board of Adjustment, now is the time to apply. Applications will be received through August 31st.

Applications for serving on the Equestrian Trials Committee, the Hostess Committee and/or the Neighborhood Watch Committee are open year-round.

The application for either the P&Z Commission, Board of Adjustment, and/or other committees, can be found on the Town’s website under the ‘Residents’ tab and under the ‘Government’ tab (click on Boards and Commissions).

Last month Neighborhood Watch Chairman Paula Castillo in coordination with the Denton County Sheriff’s Office Crime Stoppers program, held a “situational awareness” presentation for citizens of Copper Canyon at Town Hall.  The program was informative, interactive and everyone attending left with important tips on how to be more aware of their surroundings and help in the continued efforts to keep Copper Canyon the safe town it is today. Former Mayor Sue Tejml presented an interesting history of how this important program started under her direction with the Denton County Sheriff over 10 years ago. Town Secretary Sheila Morales recorded a video of the program for those who couldn’t attend and if you would like a copy, please let her know.

Statement from Chairman Paula Castillo: “The program is growing in volunteers and its success depends on the citizens of Copper Canyon taking part. I am currently working with the DCSO on several more programs in the upcoming months to address different safety concerns specific to our area. In addition, I am very pleased to announce DCSO will be restarting their women’s self-defense class beginning in September and all those interested can email the department at [email protected]. This is a multi-part class for women and is offered FREE by DCSO. Details will be firmed up this month as far as dates and location.

The Neighborhood Watch Program is important for the entire town to assist our Deputy Sheriffs in keeping our boundaries secure and safe. We have seen this over time and the program is growing. The volunteers and I are working on branching out in other areas of assistance to citizens not only safety related but more ‘neighbor helping neighbor.’ If you’re interested and want to be on the mailing list or can help with your area, please email me at [email protected].”

CTG Staff
CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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