Kids in the Redbud Point neighborhood area in Flower Mound are enjoying a new Little Free Art Gallery, set up by a neighbor like those free tiny community libraries.
Sheila Holincheck said she got the idea from a similar tiny art gallery she saw online.
“I thought it was a fabulous idea,” she said. “We have one of those tiny libraries in our community, and I thought, ‘Wouldn’t it be great to have one of these, too?'”
Holincheck is retired and spends a lot of time on a variety of art projects, so she saw this as an opportunity to share her love of art with others.
“I think retirement is a lot more fun when you’re challenging yourself and learning new things,” she said. “I think art is such a wonderful thing, it brings people together, gives people confidence, it’s a wonderful way to express yourself, so I thought, ‘This has no downside.'”

Holincheck said she used some money she earned from an art sale last year to order the tiny art gallery. Neighbors contributed a petrified tree root to mount the gallery on, another gave some tree stumps for kids to sit or stand on, and another neighbor made the sign.
“It was already bringing people together, just getting it off the ground,” she said.
The tiny art gallery was opened for “business” about a month and a half ago. Inside, you may find anything from origami and painted rocks to tiny paintings and sculptures.
“It runs the gamut,” Holincheck said. “Whenever I’m working on an art project, I try to do a miniature version to add to the gallery, so there’s a variety.”
Holincheck said the gallery has had a warm reception from young and old neighbors alike.
“A number of artist friends have contributed to it, and lots of kids have taken and brought things,” she said. “That’s what it’s for.”
The sign encourages gallery visitors to take a piece, leave a piece or just have a look around.
“I try to check it every day to see if it needs new things,” Holincheck said. “Almost every day, it’s different. That’s how I know it’s being used.”