Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Local Habitat for Humanity transitioning between board presidents

Glenn Ward, new Habitat for Humanity of Denton County Board President

Habitat for Humanity of Denton County is bidding farewell to its board president, a Flower Mound man, and welcoming his successor, also a Flower Mound resident.

David Johnson is concluding his two-year term and will step down Tuesday, making way for Board of Directors President-Elect Glenn Ward.

Johnson’s leadership “brought positive strategic change within the organization,” said a HHDC news release.

“David Johnson’s vision and leadership has helped to lay a strong foundation for Habitat for Humanity of Denton County’s future efforts,” said Lora Blakeslee Atkinson, Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity of Denton County. “Our organization, because of our Board’s thoughtful strategic planning under David’s leadership, has not only survived the pandemic, but is able to support more families struggling to afford housing in Denton County.”

HHDC is now in “a substantially better financial and organizational position than ever before” despite the additional challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, the news release said. “The nonprofit ministry is in a strong strategic position to make a powerful impact on their mission to build quality, affordable homes in Denton County.”

During Johnson’s time as board president, Habitat Denton was able to launch “Habitat Village,” taking eight acres in southeast Denton that the organization has owned for more than five years from a dormant piece of land to an active project that will soon begin raising funds to build 35 new Habitat homes in one neighborhood.

Also during Johnson’s tenure, Habitat Denton built its 100th home in Denton County in 2019 and had a successful partnership with the Cross Timbers Rotary Club of Flower Mound to fully fund and provide volunteer efforts to build Habitat’s 103rd home in Pilot Point in 2020. Habitat Denton consolidated its operations to one location at the ReStore off University Drive, generating 40% savings in facilities expenses. Johnson forged a relationship with the city of Denton that will assist in Habitat’s purchasing of individual lots in the city.

Johnson also helped advance the leadership structure of the organization, including setting a two-year term limit for the Board President, establishing a President-Elect position and codifying the role of the Executive Committee, allowing for upward mobility for Board members and agile decision-making, according to the organization.

Mark Smith
Mark Smith
Mark Smith is the Digital Editor of The Cross Timbers Gazette.

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