Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Senior Talk DFW: 2020 reflections bring mixed emotions

Edwena Potter

My reflections of 2020 bring mixed emotions. How about you?

2020 had such promise.  Many of us had such a clear vision of what we intended to accomplish and how life would be.  Little did we know it would turn foggy before the end of the first quarter.  

From a trip to Cabo in January to Keller Williams’ convention in February to a mysterious “upper respiratory virus” unlike anything I’d ever had in March, the world came to a temporary halt mid-March. 

The real estate industry figured out how to function in the “new normal.”  The spring real estate “season” was delayed, not derailed.  We held meetings via Zoom.  Homes were sold without ever being seen in person. Safety protocols were put in place and homes were still bought and sold. I had my best year ever!  Many who had made life plans continued to move forward. 

The senior industry struggled to find its way.  Communities locked down. People were cut off from their loved ones.  This is the true tragedy of this pandemic. The casualties from the sheer loneliness will never be known. 

Sadness overtook our family starting in September with the loss of our 15½ year-old dachshund. October brought the passing of my 85 year-old aunt Edwena and cousin Bruce. November broke our hearts with the passing of my 89 year-old father-in-law. Then COVID struck my husband and we were unable to travel to the funeral. Fortunately two weeks later we were able to travel and spent two weeks helping my mother-in-law with many things through Christmas. 

My 65th birthday bucket list trip to Bermuda was fabulous in October between all this.  

What I learned is you have one life to live. Your reactions to the events around you are what you can control. You follow the protocols and keep living to the best of your ability.  We are not promised tomorrow and 2020 has reminded us all.  

Embrace life! Reach out, help family, stay in touch, make new friends, start new traditions and make 2021 the best it can be!  Happy New Year!

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Edwena Potter, Certified Senior Housing Professional, Keller Williams Realty – 469-616-0561


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