Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Edmondson: Larger vaccine shipments heading our way

Dianne Edmondson, Precinct 4 County Commissioner

Finally, Denton County is getting larger shipments of the COVID vaccine!

We were recently designated as a state vaccine hub and this week’s shipment is almost 10,000 new doses, including 1500 Pfizer and the rest Moderna. So, many of you on our 100,000+ registration list will have received your invitation to a specific date and time at our two clinics this week.

We have continuously requested more doses, and now that our “drive through with an appointment” vaccination clinics are getting rave reviews for efficiency and effectiveness, DCPH has shown that we can (and should!) have more vaccine to protect our registrants.

We anticipate that the state will continue to provide us with larger numbers of doses, as we have proved that we can handle them!

Second Shots Also Coming

We should begin getting vaccine for second shots very soon, which are to be given 21 (Pfizer) or 28 (Moderna) days after the first shot. You should return to your first shot provider for your second shot. The state will be giving us the same number of doses for second shots as were used for first shots, as the two vaccines cannot be interchanged. Our very efficient computer system will be notifying those who are due for their second shot with appointments and locations, as well as continuing to contact registrants for first shot clinics.

Where Am I On The List?

We also have begun a special Friday email each week to notify registrants where they are numerically on the list, as well as any additional information that might be helpful. Additionally, if you have already been vaccinated at another provider, you may cancel your DCPH registration when notified it’s your turn, which allows other registrants to move up the list.

Some of you have asked about the order of vaccinations, and it is very fair: first on the list, first called, and so on down the list in order of registration. With these increased shipments, we will be able to more quickly work our way down this long list. Again, we WILL be able to vaccinate everyone who wishes eventually. The manufacturers warp speed processes will, at some point, catch up and keep up with the demand. So please bear with us and be patient – your number WILL be called!

Helpful Links

We know that there are many questions you may still have, so we have compiled a list of common Questions and Answers, linked here: COVID-19 Vaccination FAQs | Denton County, TX

To learn where the COVID cases are by zip code in the county, as well as the ages of those infected, and the status of county hospital beds, use this link:

If you still have not registered online for the DCPH vaccine clinics and you fall in the 1A or 1B category, go here to register:

Call the Denton County Public Health Hotline to obtain additional information about coronavirus or vaccinations: 940-349-2585.

Free Testing This Month

COVID testing is everywhere; even an at-home kit is available. More testing, predictably, reveals more cases. As a result, both cases and deaths are up astronomically nationally; even right here in Denton County which, as I write this on January 26, has reported 294 deaths from COVID within our county and 50,439 total confirmed COVID cases. So far, our county’s COVID cases have resulted in death for only .005% of those infected and so far, no one under 40 has died of COVID in Denton County.

The Texas is Department of Emergency Management is partnering with UNT to provide free, walk-up testing at the UNT Discovery Park on Friday and Saturday, January 29 and 30 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. No appointment is needed. The test administered will be the PCR, nasopharyngeal test. (The state reports that it is sometimes delayed in calling negative tests, while the DCPH calls all those tested with the results.) See this link for more information.

We are still in a raging battle with this invisible enemy, so please continue to follow the CDC guidelines for masking, social distancing, hand washing and limited gatherings.

CTG Staff
CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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