Sunday, March 16, 2025

Officials break ground on Crawford Road project

Argyle, Denton and Denton County officials break ground on the Crawford Road reconstruction project, photo courtesy of Denton County

Denton County Commissioner Precinct 4 Dianne Edmondson and officials with the town of Argyle and city of Denton broke ground Wednesday on a long-awaited $3.4 million project to reconstruct Crawford Road from I-35W to Hwy 377.

The project will improve the two-lane undivided rural road by adding left-turn lanes at key intersections and a single-lane roundabout at the intersection with John Paine Road, as well as resurfacing.

“We are excited to get this project started,” Edmondson said. “This road is an oft-used thoroughfare between two major highways in my precinct. I know a number of individuals who use the road will be pleased with the long-awaited improvements.”

The project was awarded on Oct. 19 to Jagoe-Public based in Denton as the low bidder, which came in at 5% under the engineer’s estimate, according to a news release from the county. Denton County set aside $2.26 million for the project, the town of Argyle contributed $1.2 million while the City of Denton conducted a traffic study and earmarked $300,000 for a single-lane roundabout. The road runs near the borders separating the three entities and is the only way in and out for thousands of residents of the Country Lakes and Carnegie Ridge subdivisions.

Photo courtesy of Denton County

“This project has been in the planning stages for several years,” said Denton County Judge Andy Eads. “I am glad to see it come to fruition to provide better access for all of our residents.”

Construction should begin on Monday with completion by the fall of 2021. Argyle town officials indicate construction will begin at the intersection of Crawford and John Paine roads, where a roundabout will be placed in February. Two lanes of traffic will be open on Crawford Road until February. Then construction will start on the western portion of Crawford Road. At that time, only westbound traffic will be allowed from John Paine Road to I-35W. A detour route will guide eastbound traffic onto Taylor and Old Justin roads. The final portion of construction will be along the east side of Crawford Road from John Paine Road to the railroad tracks.

Mark Smith
Mark Smith
Mark Smith served as Digital Editor of The Cross Timbers Gazette from 2017 to 2025.

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