Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Northlake Notes — December 2020

Northlake Mayor David Rettig

One month to go in 2020 and it seems we are faced with a COVID resurgence putting a pall over the Thanksgiving and Christmas season.

Without weighing too deeply into the division around what is and is not helpful to prevent the spread, I would like to remind us all to apply good judgment to whom we spend time during the holiday season. While it may be the season for sharing, no one wants to be responsible for inadvertently giving a bout of COVID to friends or family. It’s up to us each individually to weigh the risks to ourselves and our families and take reasonable steps to protect those who are most at risk.

With an eye to 2021, Northlake is moving ahead on the path to Home Rule, and laying the groundwork for several major road and infrastructure projects. The planning and funding have been completed and a full list of projects will keep our staff busy for the next year. We remain challenged to continue to build the necessary infrastructure to welcome our new residents who occupied 900 new residences in the town this year. The new roads, water lines, and our first water tower will bring resiliency to our water system and improve safety for traffic.

Despite it being a very difficult time for businesses to operate, we have just welcomed a number of new businesses including Texas Roadhouse which is a welcome addition to our local dining options. The first quarter of next year will be exceptionally busy as a couple dozen new businesses will be opening or nearing opening around our two business districts at Northlake Commons and Chadwick Commons. We’re grateful for the flexibility of both the restaurants and diners to continue to help keep business going while being careful to protect both staff and guests.

As we approach the colder months, the need for donations to local nonprofits is quite high. Food pantries, clothing and blood donations are in short supply as COVID both increases needs and makes donations more difficult. If you are inclined and able, please remember those less fortunate and continue to provide relief.

Our family is thankful for the faith we have in Jesus Christ this season. It gives us the peace and joy that was promised through his birth some 2,000 years ago. Perhaps more so than any year of my life so far, we need that peace to see us through the challenges we are experiencing and may yet experience before life returns to normal. May you all find the peace that only God can give this season!

CTG Staff
CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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