Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Edmondson: What does Memorial Day mean to you?

Dianne Edmondson, Precinct 4 County Commissioner

by Dianne Edmondson, Precinct 4 County Commissioner

Many of us celebrate the long Memorial Day weekend with barbecues and family get-togethers, but Memorial Day is so much more than a chance to kick off the summer months.

At its heart, Memorial Day is a day to solemnly honor all men and women who have died in U.S. military service. Memorial Day should not be confused with Veterans Day, which celebrates the service of U.S. military veterans (November 11, 2020), or with Armed Forces Day, celebrated in May, which honors those currently in military service to our country.

So on Monday, Memorial Day, our country officially commemorates all men and women who have died in U.S. military service. According to Wikipedia, there have been about 2,852,901 casualties of war in the conflicts spanning our Revolutionary War to the present. About half of those were combat deaths and there are still more than 40,000 military personnel who are classified as Missing In Action.

Virtually every American family has been touched by a relative’s ultimate sacrifice for our country. These are the selfless patriots whom we should remember on Monday. Perhaps this touching video by Trace Adkins will evoke your gratitude as it did for me. Please stay strong, stay safe and stay grateful to those who gave their lives so that we can remain free.

Please stay strong, stay safe and stay grateful to those who gave their lives so that we can celebrate with family and friends and so that we can all continue our fight here at home against our invisible enemy: COVID-19.

In remembrance,

Dianne Edmondson

CTG Staff
CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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