Sunday, March 16, 2025

Meet the Primary Candidates: Denton County Sheriff

On March 3, voters will go to the polls to select their nominees for political office at the county, state and federal levels.

The winners of the Republican and Democratic primaries become their respective party’s nominees for the Nov. 3, 2020 general election.

Early voting for the March 3 primary elections runs from Tuesday, Feb. 18 to Friday, Feb. 28.

Should results require, a Primary Runoff Election will be held on May 26, with early voting from May 18 to May 22.

Find more voter information on the Denton County Elections Administration website at or Secretary of State website at

The Cross Timbers Gazette emailed questionnaires to candidates in selected contested Primary Elections. Returned questionnaires are listed by office in alphabetical order, unless there’s an incumbent (*) up for re-election.

Denton County Sheriff


Tracy Murphree

Tracy Murphee*

Age: 53

Community of Residence: Sanger

Education Background: High School Diploma; attended McMurry University, major in History minor in Political Science

Previous Public Service: 23-years with the Texas DPS as a Highway Patrol Trooper and Sergeant, Narcotics Agent, plus 13-years as a Texas Ranger assigned to Denton County. After retirement, served as a Captain at the Sheriff’s Office in charge of CID, Narcotics, and crime scene. Elected Sheriff in 2016.

Why are you the best candidate for this elected position? I am currently running a very successful Sheriff’s Office. I have been a good steward of tax dollars seeking alternative funding on projects to save tax dollars. We have been proactive in law enforcement. Seceding millions of dollars of drugs and drug money. We have been diligent in protecting our children. I created a sex offender investigator to track, register and make sure the offenders are complying. I’ve created two new investigator positions housed at the Children’s Advocacy Center to work only crimes against children. We have online solicitation stings arresting dozens of child molesters and would be human traffickers. I have set a high standard for my employees and hold them accountable.

What do you see as the biggest issue and your solution if elected? The biggest issue is a combination of drugs and the mental health crisis. We have been very proactive against drug dealers and drug mules in Denton County. I’ve placed mental health professionals in the jail to help evaluate and help offenders in for minor crimes. We work hand-in-hand with MHMR to try to get help for those dealing with mental illness.

Have you ever been convicted of a crime? No

Candidate Website:

Candidate Facebook: 

Dugan Broomfield

Dugan Broomfield

Age: 62

Community of Residence: Pilot Point

Current Occupation: Assistant Chief Investigator

Education Background: Graduated from Hirschi High School in Wichita Falls, Texas in 1975; Police Academy in Wichita Falls, Texas in 1988; Master Peace Officer Certificate and Mental Health Peace Officer Certificate; and, I have held a Jailers License.

Previous Public Service: I am a Master Mason and a 32nd Degree Scottish Rite Mason with the Fort Worth Scottish Rite Bodies.

Why are you the best candidate for this elected position? I have 30-years as a Texas Peace Officer and 26-years serving the Denton County Citizens– first as a Detention Officer, Mental Health Deputy, Criminal Investigator and Assistant Chief Investigator with the Denton County District Attorney’s Office the past 21 yeas. I draw inspiration from my wife, who also worked serving the citizens of Denton County for 28-years with the Denton County Sheriff Office as a Sergeant in the Detention Area. My wife, a Gold Star Mother, that our country is the greatest country on earth, The loss of my stepson, was killed serving our country while defending what our country stands for. If blessed to serve as our next Sheriff, I promise to serve with dignity and be a Sheriff the entire community can count on

What do you see as the biggest issue and your solution if elected? As our new Sheriff, I plan on addressing two major issues which are: that the Deputies and Detention Officers are compensated at the highest level possible; and, are fully staffed. In addition to that, do our officers have the equipment necessary to allow them to protect and serve Denton      County. There are three ways to accomplish this goal; first, is to make sure that the Denton County Sheriff Office is operating in the leanest and the most productive fashion; second, is to work with the Commissioners Court to accomplish this by being the advocate for our Deputies, Detention Officers and staff; and, finally I will work to find any additional funding through grants and state and/federal funds available that were previously not.

Have you ever been convicted of a crime? No

Candidate Website:

Candidate Facebook:

Bryan Wilkinson

Brian “Wilkie” Wilkinson

Age: 47

Community of Residence: Justin

Current Occupation: Law Enforcement Consultant and Trainer

Education Background: Texas Master Peace Officer; Master Jailer; Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) Instructor; TCOLE Firearms Instructor; Police Sniper Instructor; Active Shooter Response Instructor; CSAT Tactical Instructor; Texas License to Carry Instructor; Northside High School, Ft. Wayne, Indiana

Previous Public Service: This is my first-time seeking election; however, I’ve served this country and community for most of my adult life. I spent six-years in the United States Marine Corps and, after being honorably discharged, I served as a Lieutenant with the Denton County Sheriff’s Office, spending 19-years with the agency.

Why are you the best candidate for this elected position? I have more institutional knowledge of the Sheriff’s Office than either of my opponents. I spent 19-years working at the agency in a variety of capacities and therefore have a better understanding of its true inner-workings. The County Jail is the largest part of the Sheriff’s Office, as well as the largest portion of the operating budget. I have worked in the county jail and have an actual understanding of what it takes to operate the facility efficiently, effectively and safely. I understand the costs, both fiscally and wear on personnel, that occur due to turnover and being understaffed. I truly want to build an agency that has its own identity where recruiting and retention are not an issue. That can only be done through respect.

What do you see as the biggest issue and your solution if elected? I have more institutional knowledge of the Sheriff’s Office than either of my opponents. I spent 19- years working at the agency in a variety of capacities and therefore have a better understanding of its true inner-workings. The County Jail is the largest part of the Sheriff’s Office, as well as the largest portion of the operating budget. I have worked in the county jail and have an actual understanding of what it takes to operate the facility efficiently, effectively and safely. I understand the costs, both fiscally and wear on personnel, that occur due to turnover and being understaffed. I truly want to build an agency that has its own identity where recruiting and retention are not an issue. That can only be done through respect.

Have you ever been convicted of a crime? No

Candidate Website:

Candidate Facebook:

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