On March 3, voters will go to the polls to select their nominees for political office at the county, state and federal levels.
The winners of the Republican and Democratic primaries become their respective party’s nominees for the Nov. 3, 2020 general election.
Early voting for the March 3 primary elections runs from Tuesday, Feb. 18 to Friday, Feb. 28.
Should results require, a Primary Runoff Election will be held on May 26, with early voting from May 18 to May 22.
Find more voter information on the Denton County Elections Administration website at www.votedenton.com or Secretary of State website at www.votetexas.gov.
The Cross Timbers Gazette emailed questionnaires to candidates in selected contested Primary Elections. Returned questionnaires are listed by office in alphabetical order, unless there’s an incumbent (*) up for re-election.
Denton County Precinct 3 Constable
(Incumbent Jerry Raburn is retiring.)

Dan Rochelle
Age: 50
Community of Residence: Lewisville
Current Occupation: Police Captain
Education Background: Emergency and Disaster Planning, Bachelor of Science, UNT, graduated Cum Laude, Criminal Justice; Associates degree, NCTC, School of Police Management and Supervision; Institute For Law Enforcement Administration Leadership Trilogy Classes, FBI LEEDA; SWAT Command I & II, National Tactical Officers Association; Incident Command (Texas A&M); Court Security Specialist (TCOLE licensed); Over 3200 hours of continuing education for peace officer license
Previous Public Service: None
Why are you the best candidate for this elected position? I have over 28-years of experience in numerous areas of law enforcement, 22 of those years as a supervisor and manager. Supervising not only large divisions, but small units as well. I have overseen budgets of $1.7- to $7-million and assisted in the planning, developing and implementing of a balanced budget. That knowledge and wisdom will allow me to look at services and processes in the Constable’s office under a different light to see if there are ways to improve.
What do you see as the biggest issue and your solution if elected? I believe r. I believe that the security of the Court and its personnel is one of the most important roles of the office and closing daily before the Court offices closes is a recipe for danger. I would like to find a way that either I or one of the deputies is always on duty when the court is open. I will consult with my staff to consider ways that we can accomplish this such as staggered start times.
Have you ever been convicted of a crime? No
Candidate Website: rochelleforconstable.com
Candidate Facebook: www.facebook.com/RochelleforConstable/

Jeri Rodriguez
Age: 58
Community of Residence: Lewisville
Current Occupation: Chief Deputy Constable, Precinct 3
Education Background: North Central Texas Council of Governments Police Academy – Graduated 1998; Pilot Point J. Earl Selz High School – Graduated 1980
Public Service: Texas Peace Officer since 1999 to present; Volunteer Search and Rescue Canine Handler from 1990 to 2000
Why are you the best candidate for this position? My entire law enforcement career has been in a Constable’s Office. I worked at a Constable’s Office in 1997 as an Administrative Assistant, while attending the police academy at night. When I earned my Peace Officer License in 1998, I was hired as a fulltime constable deputy. I know every facet of the Constable’s Office, due to starting at the entry-level position. As an Administrative Assistant, I learned the requirements that each civil document had to have to be valid for service. As a Constable Deputy, I learned how to execute the various court orders according to the Rules of Civil Procedure. I have a Civil Process Proficiency Certification and a Court Security Specialist Certificate through the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement.
What do you see as the biggest issue and your solution if elected? Precinct 3 Constable’s Office covers Copper Canyon, Highland Village, a small area of Coppell and most of Lewisville. Lewisville has many apartments and more are under construction. As these cities continue to develop, challenges are presented with the increased volume of civil papers we receive. We have four fulltime civil deputies and one fulltime warrant deputy. The Constable is the primary court bailiff, while the Chief Deputy oversees the daily field operations and serves civil papers. Our precinct is divided into four districts and each civil deputy is assigned a district. As the volume of civil process increases, I will continue to monitor the number of civil documents each deputy receives and make adjustments if needed.
Have you ever been convicted of a crime? No
Candidate Website: www.jerirodriguezforconstable.com
Candidate Facebook page: www.facebook.com/JeriForConstable