Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Lewisville ISD tables boundary discussions

Lewisville ISD is hitting pause on consideration of possible school boundary changes.

LISD Superintendent Dr. Kevin Rogers said this week that recently discussed boundary changes under consideration for the 2020-21 school year could wait another year, and he tabled the topic.

“Changing attendance zones is something no one likes to do, but it is something we are always looking at,” Rogers said. “We carefully study the demographic information for each campus, look at trends in housing, and try to make both short-term and long-term decisions that will best serve our students and our district.”

Rogers believes LISD now offers families more choices because the district is open enrollment and has a “grandfather” clause that allows many existing students to stay in their current school if its boundary changed.

Dr. Kevin Rogers, Superintendent, Lewisville Independent School District

“When we adjust boundaries, many times students and their parents want to stay at the school they were attending, and even continue through that feeder pattern,” Rogers said. “With our open-transfer policy, which allows students to attend just about any campus in the district, families have more choices on where to go to school.”

Although no changes will take place in the 2020-21 school year, and boundary adjustments aren’t as commonplace as they used to be, Rogers said he knows some adjustments will be necessary to keep enrollment balanced across the district and to take into consideration the opening of Josey Lane Elementary in the fall of 2021.

“We know we will have to finalize the boundaries for Josey Lane and we expect there to be some adjustments in other parts of the district to provide relief specifically to the Lewisville High School feeders, particularly with the opening of a new Hedrick Middle School,” Rogers said. “But there will be a lot of discussion and the opportunity for the families impacted to share their thoughts with us before anything is finalized. We always seek input from a variety of sources before we recommend a final decision to our Board.”

Mark Smith
Mark Smith
Mark Smith is the Digital Editor of The Cross Timbers Gazette.

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