Surely, it’s axiomatic that the best investment in anyone’s life is a good education. Most of us have grown up in a public school environment, taught by teachers with a commitment to education that supersedes their quest for monetary compensation. In fact, the services performed by educators could never be adequately paid for with money. Being on the public payroll means that they’re subject to the budgetary limitations of their school district. Public schools are paid for by local taxes and, except for some small fees, are free. Private schools cost on average $10,740 a year but can range anywhere from $5,330 to $25,180, according to a report from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). A study by the National Education Association www.nea.org/home/17824.htm suggests that public schools outperform private schools.
Alice Linahan is a Texas Mom who speaks throughout the country educating families on the truth about the fundamental transformation in education. In an article entitled “Good School Choice vs Bad School Choice; Texas the Heart of Education Reform,” Ms. Linahan wrote: “In Texas, I have heard those pushing so-called “School Choice” say they are for ALL school choice options. They will say whatever they are pushing is just one more tool in the toolbox for parents to choose. This is a ridiculous statement. Not all school choice is the same. In fact, government regulated school choice limits parental rights, it does not expand it.” In the video interview Ms. Linahan discusses her views on public and private school education. The bio below was submitted by Ms. Linahan.
“As an established leader in New Media with Voices Empower and as Vice President of Women on the Wall, Alice brings audiences a servant’s voice with a heartfelt, funny tone and when the truth needs to be told in a bold, fresh manner Alice can deliver. She brings alive the stories from the trenches of the movement of parents asking… CAN I SEE what you are teaching my child that is taking America by storm. Alice is the author of Your Child’s #1 Threat; 21st Century Learning and the Common Core, and a talk show host of the weekly Women On the Wall Communication Team podcast.
“Alice Linahan is a winner of the 2014 UPTON SINCLAIR AWARD with EducationViews.org for her work as an advocate for securing the best of education policies for the next generation of American children. Alice has worked tirelessly exposing the dangers of Common Core, educating people on the seriousness of the issue and how best to be engaged in the battle. She is on track to re-define the meaning of “boots on the ground.” Specifically, she is implementing a communication team strategy that gives parents, grandparents and taxpayers the tools to “ENGAGE” and change hearts and minds vs. just a CLICK “LIKE” mentality on social media.
“Alice launched Voices Empower in 2011 in response to identifying an urgent need to engage the passive majority of voters at both the National and State level during the primary process. Voices Empower has quickly risen as an organization playing an integral part in holding politicians and the progressive/liberal media accountable by getting real stories out to Americans across the country. She is on track to re-define the meaning of “boots on the ground.” Specifically, she is implementing a communication team strategy that gives activists the tools to “ENGAGE” and change hearts and minds vs. just a CLICK “LIKE” mentality on social media sites; therefore, the new paradigm created by Alice Linahan takes “boots on the ground” to social media platforms strategically and effectively.
“Citizen journalists are driving the narrative and Alice Linahan is playing a national role in its impact on the electorate. Currently, Alice is working on projects at both the state and national level to save our Country from attacks within our own borders. Alice has been published in such publications as Focus on the Family’s Citizen Magazine and is also Vice President of WomenOnTheWall.org, an organization working on building a safe and prosperous Texas and America for our children and grandchildren to thrive in. Alice Linahan speaks publicly throughout the country to educate parents and taxpayers on the truth about what is happening in Education and the “unilateral mental disarmament” of the next generation of voters in America.”