Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Meet the candidates: Argyle Town Council Place 4

Southern Denton County residents will head to the polls starting this month to decide a plethora of municipal and school board contests.

The Cross Timbers Gazette asked each candidate in a contested race to answer a brief questionnaire to help voters make an informed decision at the polls this May.

Three citizens will be elected to each serve a two-year term as Mayor and Council members for Places 2 and 4. The incumbents for these positions are Donald Moser, Ronald Schmidt and Cynthia Hermann, respectively. Hermann was just appointed earlier this year to replace Todd Mankin, who resigned.

All of the incumbents filed for re-election, Shane Campbell will challenge Schmidt for Place 2 and Chet Schrader filed for Place 4.

Election Day is Saturday, May 4, with early voting April 22-27 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and April 29-30 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

The candidates for Argyle Town Council Place 4 are listed in alphabetic order under each individual contested race.

Place 4 (2-year-term)

Dr. Cindy Hermann

Cynthia Hermann, 44 (i)

What is the main issue facing your community and how would you address it: The biggest issue we are facing is the growth happening in Argyle and surrounding communities. Intentional, well-planned growth is a necessity. We need businesses and commercial developments that will have a positive impact on the town and a limit to high-density residential developments. Developers should respect the wishes of our community and the overall vision for Argyle, not the other way around. I’ll address this priority by working closely with the EDC and developing a Strategic Plan for vital commercial development. Together we will focus on bringing in businesses to shift some of the tax burden from our residents and make improvements to our infrastructure to support all the growth in our area. All with the input of our citizens.

Why are you the best candidate for this position: As an Argyle resident since 2010, I remember the issues our community was facing with uncontrolled mass development. I was unhappy with the direction the town was being forced into by outside interests. This spurred me to get involved and look for ways to preserve our charming community. As a result, I have been an active participant in Argyle’s political setting for the last four years. I spoke out as a concerned citizen at various meetings. I helped create Argyle’s Vision Statement and served on P&Z until I was appointed to Town Council. I have a solid understanding of Argyle’s future challenges and the experience and passion for meeting them head-on. I believe in doing what is best for Argyle and it’s citizens, not outside interests.

Facebook page: Dr. Cynthia Hermann for Argyle

Website: voteforargyle.com

Email: [email protected]

Chet Schrader

Chet Schrader, 39

What is the main issue facing your community and how would you address it: I decided to run for Place 4 on Argyle Town Council to help shape its future. I want to Keep Argyle Rural. But its just as important to Keep Argyle Solvent. We know that Argyle has grown much more rapidly than we could anticipate, but we can’t ignore solutions that offer an approach that can allow the Town to grow conservatively. We have developments that have started & rising home values, but we we’ve definitely missed opportunities for our Town to develop parks, green spaces and even land for our public works building.

I want to work to cut taxes for personal property owners while shifting the tax burden to businesses that can be developed in the right locations; areas that have already been identified our Future Land Use Plan.

Why are you the best candidate for this position: When I first moved to the area, we embraced Argyle the same way Argyle embraced us. It was our first experience of a true sense of community. Having four children, we quickly took on responsibilities to give back to community through local organizations. My wife and I both sat on the Board of the Argyle Youth Sports Association; organizing the local tee ball and softball programs while coaching teams. We literally moved the dirt for the fields that our kids played on. For the last two years, I’ve also had the privilege to serve on the Board for the Argyle Education Foundation; supporting and fundraising for our District. What I bring to this position isn’t one of political motivations; its one of servant leadership for our community.

Facebook page: Chet for Argyle


Email: [email protected]

Mark Smith
Mark Smith
Mark Smith is the Digital Editor of The Cross Timbers Gazette.

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