Friday, January 17, 2025

Four candidates file to run for Northwest ISD special election

Four people are running in a special election for a seat on the Northwest ISD Board of Trustees.

Last month, Place 1 Trustee Josh Wright resigned from his post because he is moving to Austin for a new job. Rather than appoint someone to replace Wright, the board called a special election to fill the seat, which will expire in 2021.

The deadline to file for the May special election has passed, and four people are in the race: Marty Baylor, Peter Dewing, DeAnne Hatfield and Torie Bonty. Voters will choose from among these candidates on May 4.

Dewing is the current mayor of Northlake, but his term expires in May and while he originally filed for re-election, he later withdrew his application with the town and filed for this NISD election.

In NISD, there are two expiring seats this May. However, only the incumbents — Board President Judy Copp and Vice President Anne Davis-Simpson — submitted applications for those seats, so the regular election was canceled.

Mark Smith
Mark Smith
Mark Smith is the Digital Editor of The Cross Timbers Gazette.

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