Monday, March 17, 2025

Project Update – Arts Master Plan for Flower Mound

Example of a bronze animal sculpture to be installed in Flower Mound’s Heritage Park.

by Elizabeth Brannon

As you may know, Flower Mound established a Cultural Arts Commission in December 2014. From the time the commission was established, there has been research and discussion about arts and arts plans in other cities, both within Texas and in other states.

In October 2016, a Budget Decision Package approved the hiring of a consultant to work with the town to address a master plan for the arts in Flower Mound.

In July 2016 the town submitted a grant application to the National Endowment for the Arts, requesting funding to support the arts master plan project. Unfortunately, in May, 2017, Flower Mound was notified that we had not been selected to receive a grant.

In December 2017, a Statement of Qualification (SOQ) was issued to hire a consultant, and from that comprehensive process, in January, 2018, The Cultural Planning Group was identified and hired to assist the Town in developing a Cultural Arts Master Plan. The plan is to come up with a vision for art of various types in Flower Mound, and to develop short-term and long-term goals.

The Cultural Planning Group partners were in town for three days in April, during which time they received a thorough tour of Flower Mound and met with community leaders, members of the Town Council and Town Staff as well as the Steering Committee.

The consultants returned for four days of meetings from May 16-19. During the May visit, meetings were held with various groups, such as arts businesses, professional artists, seniors, teens, the Chamber of Commerce, community organizations the town supports (such as Flower Mound Community Orchestra, Lewisville Lake Symphony, Voices of Flower Mound), developer’s representatives and general meetings with the public at various open resident meetings and community events like the Farmer’s Market and the Friday Concert in the Park.

The consultants will return later this summer to present findings of the conversations, meetings and survey results and to guide the Steering Committee regarding the recommendations to make to Town Council.

Preliminary findings from meetings and conversations show several themes emerging from resident feedback, including a comprehensive communication vehicle about arts events and happenings, to the role of the town in supporting the arts, to meeting locations for youth and to a type of arts center in Flower Mound.

The Cultural Arts Commission and the Master Plan Steering committee are optimistic about the outcome of this process and about the future of the arts in Flower Mound.

Elizabeth Brannon serves on Place 2 of the Town of Flower Mound Cultural Arts Commission.

CTG Staff
CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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