A daycare has decided to withdraw its proposed plan to open in Argyle and will seek a different location.
A proposed Specific Use Permit for a daycare called The Goddard School has been on the agendas for Argyle Planning & Zoning Commission and Town Council meetings for several months, but each time the applicant kept requesting that the proposal be tabled. The school would have been located on the north side of FM 407, just east of the CVS store at the Hwy 377 intersection, and the applicant was waiting to get information from the Texas Department of Transportation.
The item appeared on the Town Council’s agenda for the Tuesday meeting, and the applicant requested to withdraw the proposal. According to town staff, TxDOT informed the applicant that it would require additional infrastructure to be installed for a deceleration lane, which included expenses the applicant wasn’t expecting, so they will seek a different location.
Council accepted the request to withdraw the proposal.