Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Date Nights – What’s the big deal?


Comedian Ted Cunnigham
Comedian Ted Cunnigham

No one ever said, “I hate you, you hate me – so let’s get married!!” And yet, after the passage of time, we hear, “we have just become roommates,” “our lives revolve around our jobs and the kids,” “I don’t feel in love anymore,” “this isn’t what I thought marriage was supposed to be,” etc. Your marriage is a dynamic thing; it is either moving you closer together or you are drifting apart.

A report from the National Marriage Project “Date Night Opportunity,” (University of Virginia) found that husbands and wives who engage in “couple time” with each other at least once a week are 3.5 times more likely to report being “very happy” in their marriages. Here are a few key ingredients for a successful “couple time:

  1. Comedian Jason Earls will perform at RockPointe Church.
    Comedian Jason Earls will perform at RockPointe Church.

    Schedule it – Yes, put it on the calendar.

  1. Communicate – About fun, conflict free topics. Google: “things to talk about on date night.”
  1. Novelty – Our relationships benefit from getting out of our rut and introducing something new.
  1. Don’t let childcare or budgets stop you – Some of the best dates can be at home after the kids go to bed, playing a game and talking.

The surge in social science research shouldn’t be surprising; it’s a reflection of the timeless principles found in the Bible. King Solomon encourages us to “enjoy life with your wife, whom you love…” (Ecclesiastes 9:9) and the Apostle Paul assumes that a husband and wife will be focused on “pleasing each other” (1 Corinthians 7:33-34).

Research and experience proves that Date Night is a big deal! Staying connected and enjoying each other is a great way to strengthen and guard your relationship.

Date Night Comedy: Your ticket to “couple time!” Info and tickets at

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CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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