Saturday, September 7, 2024

Around Argyle – August 2016

Argyle Mayor Peggy Krueger
Argyle Mayor Peggy Krueger

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer.  It’s hard to believe we’re heading into the final weeks!  As we are wrapping up our summer vacations, there are a couple of items I want to bring to your attention.

While we were fortunate to be able to cancel our July Council meeting, we will be kicking it into gear in August.  We have meetings scheduled for August 23rd, September 13th and September 27th before we resume our regular monthly meetings in October.  These additional meetings are necessary to comply with state laws as we prepare to adopt our Fiscal Year 2017 budget on September 27th.

I want to take a minute to introduce our citizens to the newly created Program for Argyle Community Engagement (PACE).  PACE meetings will be hosted by a developer in a Town Hall Forum atmosphere to provide an opportunity for residents to review development submittals and ask questions of developers prior to their review at the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council.  This program is voluntary for developers to participate in, although it is highly encouraged.  Town Staff does not participate in the meetings, rather they are intended for interaction between the community and the developer.  For more information about the PACE meetings, please contact Matt Jones, [email protected] or by phone (940) 464-7273.

In a few short weeks we will begin accepting applications for appointments to our Boards and Commissions.  Most of our positions expire on October 31st.  This year we will appoint four individuals to the Planning and Zoning Commission and three to the Economic Development Corporation.  We will also be making appointments to the Economic Development Corporation Advisory Board and Crime Control and Prevention District.  If you are interested in joining a board and need more information, all Town Hall at 940-464-7273.  The application can be found on the Town’s website at and the deadline to submit your application is Friday, October 7th.

Last, but not least, on those fun occasions we get a break from the heat and have rain, please remember to empty any standing water to avoid mosquito problems.  If you have stock ponds or other areas of standing water that cannot be drained, please contact our Public Works Department at 940-464-3449 to have them disperse mosquito dunks.

CTG Staff
CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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