Thefts from Vehicles Parked in Front of Homes
The Sheriff’s Office and local Police Departments in our area are investigating a rash of thefts from vehicles parked in driveways or on the street overnight in front of homes.
Copper Canyon has had two incidents. A vehicle parked unlocked on Hawse (off Rolling Acres Drive) was taken for a “ride” and the vehicle returned unharmed to the home, but with certain valuables missing. (A vehicle returned unharmed after a “joy ride” usually indicates that teens took it, rather than seasoned criminals.) Hyatt Drive Block Captain Denise Remfert alerted her neighbors on several surrounding streets.
Recently, a locked vehicle on Summit Drive was broken into and valuables taken.
Summit residents are requested to notify new Block Captains Paul and Susan Schattle, 523 Summit, if they observe anything unusual on their street.
Copper Canyon residents are requested to take reasonable precautions to avoid theft and damage to their vehicle. If possible, leave your vehicles in your garage with the garage door down and locked. If you must leave your vehicle in your driveway or parked in front of your home, please lock the vehicle and remove or hide any valuables.
Town Council Seeks Public Input on Orchid Hill Lane Speed Limit
Several years ago the Council asked for input from residents on the Speed Limit on Orchid Hill Lane. The Council gave priority to the preference of Town residents who actually lived on Orchid Hill Lane. Many of those individuals actually walked, or walked with their pets, on Orchid Hill. And, many of those same residents personally mowed the right-of-ways adjacent to Orchid Hill Lane. Those residents almost unanimously asked that the speed limit on Orchid Hill Lane not exceed 30 MPH. The Town Council honored the residents’ request.
However, since then many Town residents have asked that (1) Orchid Hill’s speed limit be raised to 40 mph; and (2) that the Town’s perimeter roads – Copper Canyon Road, Chinn Chapel Road, and Orchid Hill Lane – all have a uniform speed limit of 40 mph.
The Council will consider the speed limit on Orchid Hill Lane, and all perimeter Town roads, at the Monday April 11th Council Meeting at Town Hall, beginning at 7 p.m.
Notice of the meeting has been emailed to all residents on Orchid Hill Lane, and roads that access Orchid Hill – Landseer, Abbott, Meadow Lake, Lake Trail Drive, and Canyon Bluff Court – and to residents on Chinn Chapel Road north of the railroad tracks, Mobile Drive, and Blackjack Lane. Any other Town residents are welcome to attend the meeting and offer their input on the speed limit on our three Town perimeter roads.
If you cannot personally attend the meeting, please email your preference to our Town Administrator Donna Welsh at townadministrator@coppercanyon-tx.org or mail or drop off your preference to Town of Copper Canyon, 400 Woodland Drive, Copper Canyon, TX 75077, or telephone Town Hall at 940-241-2677 Ext. #3. Please provide your name and home address in Copper Canyon. The Council welcomes input from all Town residents!
State Law on “Agricultural Exemptions” Has Not Changed. but Some Copper Canyon and Denton County Residents May Need to Re-Apply for the Exemption. Municipalities Have Zero Control over Ag Exemptions
The Texas Legislature and Texas state governmental bodies control the requirements for “agricultural exemptions.” State statutes have not changed. However, there are some “local rules” by county appraisal districts. Denton Central Appraisal District (DCAD) controls the valuation of property in Denton County for property tax purposes.
Rudy Durham, Chief Appraiser for our DCAD, has been most helpful in addressing issues that Town Residents have had in reapplying for their “ag exemptions.” Copper Canyon, unlike some of our neighboring towns that are primarily “built out”, has many small acreages with pasture for grazing personal horses and some large acreage for cattle raising. My sincere thanks to Appraiser Durham for taking a personal interest in resolving Copper Canyon residents’ questions on their “agricultural exemptions.”
Cities and towns have ZERO control over the details of “ag exemptions.”
If you have questions about reapplying for an “ag exemption”, please call the Denton Central Appraisal District (DCAD) at 940-349-3800.