With spring comes spring cleaning. The Bartonville Town Council has been very busy getting our house in order for the future.
Mark your calendar! Our Annual Spring Clean Up is scheduled for Saturday, April 16th, from 8 a.m. to noon. This is a popular event and has been well attended over the years. This service is provided to all Bartonville residents free of charge. Don’t miss it! Call Town Hall for details at 817-693-5280.
A proposition has been added to the May ballot requesting reallocation of current sales tax revenues from the Community Development Corporation to the Street Maintenance Fund.
Currently, Community Development Corporation revenues can only be used for Commercial related endeavors. Voting YES to this proposal supports the reduction of the Community Development Corporation revenues by 25% and shifts those funds over to Street Maintenance. Voting NO keeps the tax allocation as it is. This is a reallocation of funds; it is not a change in our tax rate. For more information, please visit our website at http://townofbartonville.com/elections.htm
In March, the Town Council received a detailed presentation on an approach to strategic planning and updating the Town’s Master Land Use Plan. By law, we need to review the Master Land Use Plan every four years. We want your input on your vision of the town. This is our framework for our community in regards to growth and development. A link to the current Master Land Use Plan is located on the Town’s homepage at www.townofbartonville.com.
I have received questions on the Master Use Plan and our Zoning Ordinances. The Master Use Plan depicts the long-term vision of how and where the city will grow and change over the next 20+ years. The Zoning Ordinance indicates how land can be used and what can be built/modified on any given property.
The Bartonville Town Council strives for a strong future for Bartonville. We are on a firm financial footing and continue increasing our reserve each year. We are carefully monitoring expenditures, reducing where it makes sense, and increasing our investment in long overdue road repairs. The town is set for a bright future.
We look forward to seeing you at our Annual Spring Clean Up Day. A great time for neighbors to come outside, enjoy the weather and each other’s company.