Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Back to School: Lewisville ISD superintendent’s message

Dr. Kevin Rogers, Superintendent of Lewisville ISD
Dr. Kevin Rogers, Superintendent, Lewisville Independent School District

Dear Lewisville ISD Community,

As the new school year begins, I am excited about the many opportunities we have to make a difference in the lives and futures of our 53,000 students in LISD. Our district is known for our incredible staff and their commitment to students. Like every year, I have the opportunity to welcome Kindergartners on their first day of school and then months later, shake the hands of our amazing 2016 graduates as they receive their diplomas.

Our important work does not depend solely on the great employees that serve in LISD – the community is also crucial to our success. I believe that schools are about community. That is why I have put a focus on increasing those community partnerships – a priority for our district. Parent and community involvement plays a vital role in a child’s education. It impacts not only student achievement, but also a student’s social adjustment and confidence. One of our Core Beliefs is that “Education is the shared responsibility of the community,” and we invite our community to share their unique resources and talents to supplement student learning opportunities. There are many ways our community can partner with us: speakers bureau, community committees/panels, business partnerships, student internship programs, donations and volunteering in our campuses. Learn more about these opportunities at

LISD is dedicated to enriching educational opportunities for our students. Our vision states, “All of our students enjoy thriving, productive lives in a future they create.” Whether participating in an engaging project-based activity, utilizing technology through our 1:XTM initiative, or serving the community in numerous ways, our students are gaining the skills they will need to thrive in their future endeavors.

I am proud to be an advocate for children. Your work in this area is crucial, too.  Please join your local PTA (Parent Teacher Association) and/or become involved in other ways to support our students, teachers and schools.

I pledge to you that we will work diligently to serve our community!  I am honored to be the Superintendent of LISD. Together, we will continue to make a difference in the lives of our students each and every day. If I can ever serve you, please let me know. My door is always open.


Dr. Kevin Rogers, Superintendent
Lewisville Independent School District

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CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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