Denton County’s own Sheriff Will Travis has been recognized for his efforts to help keep drugs off the streets and marijuana illegal in Texas.
Sheriff Chris Kirk of Brazos County, Legislative Committee Chair for the Sheriff’s Association, of Texas recognized Travis during the morning a recent conference, thanking him for his work in the fight against the legalization of marijuana, strengthening penalties regarding K2 (synthetic marijuana) and other illicit drugs during the Texas Legislature’s 84th legislative session.
Travis was the primary speaker for the SAT when it presented a medical marijuana resolution, and minimalized penalties for possession of marijuana. He helped prepare “Texas Sheriffs Say NO,” a presentation offering reasons why marijuana should not be legalized.
“The sheriff’s office must be active in affecting the laws of our state and how those impact our county because through our input we have a greater voice for Denton County,” Travis said.
Although the legislature passed a form of medical marijuana legislation, Travis has vowed to continue the fight against full legalization.
He also spoke about the penalties and definitions pertaining to K2 legislation and was able to help redefine the drugs and strengthen the law relating to K2 in order to protect children from this drug, which has cost the lives of several teens and young adults.
In his other work with the legislature, Travis collaborated on Senate Bill 58 — the enforcement of commercial vehicle safety standards by certain counties.
Travis encourages his DCSO employees to speak on issues they feel strongly about, and two of Denton County’s Animal Control Officers spoke about the need for officer training to deal with canines and other animals that could pose a threat without killing the animal, or endangering human life.