Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Local Expert: Digital Spring Clean

local_expert_never enough time _julia wrightYes, the garage and deep coat closet are yearning to be purged and sorted but what about the thing you touch every day and without it you would be lost? This spring, fling open the windows, let in the fresh air and clean out your computer!

Here are some helpful hints to computer organizing. Set a timer and work in 20-minute bursts. You will be more productive and less likely to check Facebook 30 times.

Mass Culling:
Run a search in your email for things you tend to ignore or are out of date, for example, jokes from Aunt Linda and flash sale emails. Now delete all in the search.

Clear the desktop:

Is your computer slow? You may have too many items saved to the desktop. To quickly clear it, create a folder on the Desktop called “Desktop Cleanup (Date)”. Drag everything into the folder and from there you can file things accordingly. This can help with visual noise, which can cause stress.

Photo bomb:
Photos are the last things anyone organizes. If we have them saved we feel secure but try and find a specific photo and you can quickly go down the rabbit hole for hours. Create a “Year” folder with month folders inside. Don’t bother trying to name every pic.

Tab Elimination:
If you tend to keep too many tabs open, your computer will slow down and eventually the browser will crash. You generally can’t see what the tabs are once you go beyond 8 and there’s that visual noise again.

Try a 20-minute block once a week and in no time you will have a smooth running system. These tasks will aid in the health of your computer as well as your mental health!

Julia Rogers is a professional organizer with Never Enough Time. Call Never Enough Time at 914-620-2399.

This content is provided by sponsors of The Cross Timbers Gazette.

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